SD being full of transplants is so true (LA raised, graduated SDSU). I could probably name my friends that were born here on two hands.
SD being full of transplants is so true (LA raised, graduated SDSU). I could probably name my friends that were born here on two hands.
As a Dodger fan living in San Diego, I am going to be really pissed off at the amount of Matt Kemp jerseys I am going to be see in 2015 (until June when the fans lose interest again)
Hilariously, this was my question but I sent it two months ago. She acted fine when I first brought another girl home but she luckily started dating someone else soon after I asked this so I think I saved myself a lot of trouble.
I mean, who gives a fuck whether the soccer or lacrosse teams fold? Subsidizing Basketball and Football players for their sake is wrong.
Let me guess, you're under 6ft tall?
Came here for rampant Cardinal-fan bashing and I leave quite satisfied.
Pretty sure he doesn't have a clean record and spent at least a year in jail previously for a bar fight in San Diego
Can this please be John Oliver's topic this week?
Once I graduated from SDSU I never moved anywhere east of the 5 - East County and South Bay is such trash
As a PB resident I co-sign this (even though I love it)
So, basically, it's like all the assholes who move to LA, but with none of the ambition.
Must be a Giants Fan
I just remember last year, I had MLB.TV and all the dodger @ padres games were blacked out for me. I got all the Aztec games through the CBS Sports channel, that might have just happened this year though.
You live in San Diego? I've had direct TV for a few years now and have just accepted the fact that COX is always going to have the rights (I'm a dodger fan down here so it's only a problem when we actually play the Padres, but it's still annoying as shit).
Damnit UCLA!!! (SDSU Alum here)
I wasn't arguing anything about the merit's of the article, I agree with the everything the article says. I was just outlining that the student athletes don't have any representation due to the nature that they are only "student athletes" for 1-4 years and there's no union in place that looks out for their interested…
The worst part of it is that the ones who stand the lose the most are the one's that have the virtually zero representation in all negotiations. As a basketball fan I believe that the NBA and NCAA would both be improved by forcing a longer time period for athletes to stay in school, but as a person who works, I can't…
The OP's issues seem to lie more with the arrogance rather the doping, I don't know why you keep apologizing for Armstrong.
So wrong - there are for sure some references and situations that are dated but the characters are still absolutely hilarious
Perhaps being scared to blow the lead?