
It's important to take into account two caveats when evaluating Romney's statements. First, his statements must be placed within the context of what he has promised to do with the federal budget if elected. Romney currently proposes to reduce federal spending to 20% of GDP by the end of his first term, while

And it was an incredibly successful, cost-efficient, and market-friendly policy for reducing sulfur dioxide emissions.

The gearing on the two transmissions must be significantly different as well. How did you compensate for that disparity? And did you fabricate a controller to synchronize shifts between the two transmissions?

Let me preface by saying that, deep down, I probably have self-esteem issues and that may ultimately be the source of my shame. Secondly, at the risk of generalizing hastily, I think that I am like most guys and don't much like devoting a whole lot of thought to Teh Menses. I appreciate and sympathize with the

Now we have don't have to feel that tug of shame whenever we have to buy our girlfriends, wives, and/or mistresses feminine hygiene products: We're actually just stocking up on survival gear! We can make tampon blowdarts!


Olhe em meus trabalhos, em ye poderoso, e em desespero!.

Dancing the Paso Doble, Melted Aventador Guy and his partner, Shirtless Joe Biden.

You're right. The unholy trinity of Jalopnik memes now with 100% more shirtless Joe Biden.

The unholy trinity of Jalopnik memes.


I'm sure that this has already been brought up below, but in case it hasn't, here's one possible contradiction that can arise when one demands equality for women while simultaneously demanding that their sex be reserved for reproduction only. Unless Lila Rose and others like her demand the same from men, that our sex

When my acupuncturist put me on a regimen of ground-up consumers who compare a 328i and a Altima based on fuel economy, I recall developing an unhealthy fondness for crown moldings. After a tryst with an oak cornice left me with splinters on parts of my body where splinters should never be, I stopped taking ground-up

Can we drop spoilers here?

I want to be Lenny Robinson when I grow up.

In fact, I think I may have found a picture of the artiste.

This is what happens when you huff the paint before applying it to your car.

Millennium Falcon, dipshit!

Han Solo, in the midst of a mid-life crisis, would hang up the pirating business, trade in the Imperial Falcon for a 1979 Pontiac Trans-Am, and travel across Tatooine with his old friend Chewbacca, much to Princess Leia's chagrin.