But seriously, some thoughts:
But seriously, some thoughts:
Never forget that Andrew Sullivan is literally a white supremacist; he has pushed the incredibly maligned Bell Curve theories of Charles Murray for decades, and has written numerous columns claiming that rigorous science requires people to question whether or not black people are genetically predisposed to having…
As stated in the article, it’s the difference between punching up and punching down. The context is different when these statement are made white to black than it is when they’re made black to white. One of those two groups suffered centuries of oppression up to and including bondage, dehumanization, rape, murder, and…
Punching up is not bullying, it’s trying to stop the guy up top from stepping on your fingers.
Dude spent thirty years wishing his rape-and-pillage simulator could actually kill him, and you’re just realizing he’s a masochist now?
Perhaps I’d respect you more if I severed your head, stuck it on a pole and urinated on it every four hours...but I doubt it, as you’re a piece of shit Trumpie with no redeeming qualities at all. Fucking piece of shit Trumpies, always resorting to their tired old arguments to cover the fact that they gleefully voted…
OK. Ivanka is daddy’s little whore who’s he’s been furiously pimping ever since he first began noticing her developing teen body. Take away her last name and extensive surgery and she’s merely an average everyday woman with no particularly outstanding characteristics whatsoever.
Fuck off. Ivanka is slime, just like her greasy orange daddy who taught her every trick in his grifting tool chest. If you want to believe in the ridiculous myth she’s always cooing about go right the fuck ahead, as there’s a sucker born every minute, but don’t tell me what to think about that piece of shit or her…
Daddy’s little fraud, she’s as fake as daddy’s ridiculous make-believe bio is. She is not a “businesswoman”, her daddy gave her a “company” to play with. She was never a “model”, her daddy pulled strings to help her pretend she was. She is not “poised” or “moderate”, she is actually contrived and artificial, nothing…
She stood out at FOX News because she was what passed for ethical and thoughtful there. Sadly for her, being the most ethical person at FOX News doesn’t actually make someone an ethical person in the rest of the world. Someone who looks thoughtful standing next to Hannity and O’Reilly still has plenty of space to be a…
The fact that she was lucid and cogent 10% of the time while on Fox News placed her so far ahead of the curve there that it got “centrists” all excited that she was some sort of figure who could unite both sides of the political divide. This shows why grading on a curve in real life is a terrible idea.
Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.
I honestly think he was planning to lose, and was looking forward to starting his tv network where he wouldn’t have to do any real work, except get up and yell for a little bit, hock more of his branded products, and collect checks, and get to go back to Trump Towers at the end of every day. It’s why he didn’t really…
That is the look of a 70 year old man who just got his first job with actual responsibilities and accountability.
This is how I’ve imagined Trump feeling in my head since finding out he actually won.
No puppet.
He does not look comfortable or happy.
For a guy who’s maybe never met a dog, he excels at whining like a little bitch.
Anytime you’re copying Subaru’s styling, it’s going to be ugly. This looks like some designer traced all of the WRX’s styling elements to the new Civic, then spent the rest of the day watching porn on his phone in the bathroom.
I hope I’m not in the minority when I say this: