
Let’s stop beating around the bush. Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a pretty damn unattractive human being, inside AND out. That’s why the high mannered faux intelligentsia feign gasps at any joke that even hints at mocking her appearance (which Wolf’s jokes barely do): How dare you bring up what’s on all of our minds?!

The only way these politicians can take away my porn is from my cold, dead hand.

Bewigged rectal prolapse and probable Republican nominee for President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

The accuracy and quality of stereophotogrammetric methods depends on the number of input images, the quality of those images, the consistency between those images, and the accuracy of the mapping between corresponding features of those images. Theoretically, if you captured enough good images of a stationary object

... or maybe the scientists were intelligent and this experiment makes them gods. I hope Floyd Romesberg doesn't allow that realization go to his head.

I think, with some thought, one can use his/her spatial intuition to imagine how this exhibition is possible. But the answers to why the "curved hole" needs to have that specific shape (a hyperbola), how that shape is related to the surface swept by the bar as it rotates, and even what that swept surface looks like in

Actually, the "curved hole" is not a conic section. As the bar rotates, it sweeps a single-sheet hyperboloid, not a cone, so technically its planar intersections do not form conic sections.

1957 Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa

1962 Ferrari 330 TRI/LM Testa Rossa Spyder 3

1954 Ferrari 375 MM Scaglietti Coupe

Someone put the fucking doors on backwards.

What's the deal with Ovaltine? The cup is round. The lid is round. Why don't they call it Roundtine?

Don't think Denton isn't giving this proposal some serious consideration.

As a rule, for videos like these:

Is there something worse than "Crack-Pipe"? Like "Crack-Pipe While Being Beaten About The Head With A Lead Pipe" or "Huffing Paint Thinner In The Paint Aisle Of A Home Depot While Aghast Weekend DIYers Look On" or whatever. This abomination calls for something worse than "Crack-Pipe". Celebrities smoke crack now. It's

Tough crowd. Apparently, no one here is familiar with the "Men Who Look Like Old Lesbians" meme.

GIF party tonight!
