
It makes me want to Maybarf.

I'd need to inspect the rack and undercarriage before I could decide.

Prove Rush Limbaugh doesn't fellate farm animals, otherwise your argument is BS.

Thanks for the insight.

Cf. also Georgetown.

Sorry for the repeated comment. My original wasn't appearing.

I think the difference, and please correct me if I'm wrong, is that in Europe the legality of abortion is settled. In the United States, opponents of abortion not only want to regulate it, they want to criminalize it. Allowing abortions only in the case in which continued pregnancy endangers the life of the mother

Focus On The Family has also regularly equated homosexuality with pedophilia. It is basically the worst source to cite on matters related to abortion and LGBT issues. It also has a long history of practicing bad science (to the extent that you call anything they do "science) and distorting and misrepresenting (some

Which I pointed out in my comment. To call it "consent" as other commenters have done is wrong in my opinion. At the same time, in the strictest sense of the word rape, this may not qualify. I think analogizing this to rape is an effective rhetorical comparison and, frankly, I have no qualms with others making the

I've said my piece on this matter on Gawker's post. My question is where can I buy one of those anatomically correct mannequins? For educational purposes, of course.

"Newt, I am your fellater!"

Everything you have written in the comments to this post has been thoroughly and repeatedly debunked. It's probably pointless then to provide you with the following link, as you seem impervious to facts:

Elsewhere in the comments, others have pointed out why Black-Scholes had little to do with the "meltdown". Aside from the one sentence in the last paragraph that essentially absolves the equation, this comment is complete ahistorical bullshit.

According to your equation, the economic meltdown was inversely proportional to W. If by "W", you mean "Dubya", I think we can all agree that that was not the case. If anything, the opposite is true: more W would have meant more Economic Meltdown.

* Computational

This is true but the mental image of a priest performing an exorcism on a mattress amuses me. I am easily amused.

I third E-jtl and Sprzout's warnings. I hope you've had the thing fumigated, sterilized, and, if applicable, exorcised by a clergyman of your respective faith. Barring that, I'd recommend sleeping in a hazmat suit or, if that's too onerous, you could just invest some of your earnings in an unused mattress (to me the