
So, every time someone (not me, of course!) hits up Craigslist to get a blowj ... er ... find a "casual encounter", Craigslist consults a Voronoi decomposition of the United States? Computation geometry gets people laid. Who knew?

Seriously, not funny and not cool.

They aren't using anything like that, at least not in the rear. You can see the LEDs around 0:51. They look to be standard 5mm LEDs.

Turning a $400,000 supercar into the automotive equivalent of a chintzy Christmas light display in some exurban hinterland is slightly more embarrassing than a prominent car blog confusing a Murciélago with an Aventador.

* upgraded to 5 monitors, not videos.

This is his setup:

Yup. There are many really great dogs out there for adoption and rescue. I too have a jowly pit/lab (sans boxer) rescue. I couldn't ask for a better friend.

This was an ursinine comment.

"That would be the backdoor way of going about things. But, need I remind you Lieutenant, Jean-Luc Picard does not do backdoor; Jean-Luc Picard's assaults have always been and will always be full-frontal! Enough of this quibbling. Data, chart a course for the Vulvarian Star Cluster. We cannot allow the Klitgons to

"Data, activate cloaking when we reach Tellabia Majora, then charge our photon torpedoes as we near Tellabia Minora. My hope is that we take the Klitgons on Tellabia Prime unawares".

Wouldn't the economic value of the moon rocks discussed in that article be contingent upon first discovering a practical and commercially viable fusion reactor, particularly one that utilizes He-3 (i.e. the 3rd generation reactor the article's author describes)? Without such a reactor what intrinsic value do those

Have Gizmodo's writers advocated the colonization of the moon? One can passionately support the exploration of space, as Gizmodo and its readers tend to do, and still consider the colonization of the moon a ludicrous short or medium-term goal of the space program, especially in light of its current budgetary

Assuming this is real, that the drone appears to be in perfect condition undermines the Iranians' claim that it was shot down (and, as others have pointed out, that it fell from the sky).

It's a Bondo sculpture.


Command and control failures, I would think, also include remote pilot errors and tactical errors; user errors, essentially. If that's the case and those types of errors comprise a significant portion of the 30% figure, then I don't think that figure necessarily represents a strong indictment against the robustness

There have been several drones that Iran has "shot down" over Iranian airspace since the war in Afghanistan began (destroyed drones have also originated from Iraq), so it is an open secret that the US has been flying surveillance missions in Iran for some time.

This is a rarity. I agree with you completely.

According to Twitter traffic, the BRZ will come in two levels of trim, the base-level — called, strangely, Premium — which includes navigation (yes, standard), eight-speaker audio, soft touch dash, limited-slip diff; leather-wrapped steering wheel (tilt-telescopic), shift knob and e-brake lever; six-speed manual;

I didn't see him. Then again I left my magnifying glass at home today.