Yeah. When the clip starts he says he's just rolling.
Yeah. When the clip starts he says he's just rolling.
You're right. I said there would be a tendency for this. Whether that rotation actually occurs depends on the weight about the wheel (imagine a vertical axis of rotation through the wheel around which the car yaws; the weight about this axis specifically) and the smoothness of the surface, like you said, as well as…
In case anyone wants to see the thing run. There's something about little, gossamer cars with high-revving motorcycle engines in them that makes me happy.
I don't think Stephenson's a troll. He clearly has a thin skin. He comes across as kind of dick (Exhibit A: Needlessly bragging about his space-age, only-one-of-three-in-existence melted Lazy-Boy). Nevertheless, he was the victim of some bonafide hatin' in that thread. It wasn't just constructive criticism. Even the…
Hah. I was going to read a just few pages, but when the haters appeared, and I got sucked in. I've reached page 48 and intend to continue to the end. It's like a black hole. (Actually, a more likely explanation is that I have nothing better to do with my time).
Impressive? I think not. With perhaps the exception of the fourth guy in the first row, all I see is a thousand shit bows. No bows would have been better.
I've gotta a bolt for her to wrench.
Global Warming In Westeros.
These sets of tweets and retweets look as though they form three splats of red and blue birdshit. Somehow this seems appropriate.
The purpose of the memo was to warn the President that an Bin Laden was determined to attack the United States and that operatives were present in the United States planning for future attacks. It specifically mentions that there was activity consistent with the preparations for hijackings. You dismiss these warnings…
The entire memo:
Where is the scan of your "file original" birth certificate? Commenters have repeatedly requested a scan of this document in order to allay some of the doubts we have of your legal residency. Yet, you steadfastly refuse to comply. It begs the question, Thomas_IL: What are you trying to hide?
Sorry. She has two uterii, two cervices and two vaginal canals, separated by a thin septum. Both sets are smaller than normal and one is considerably smaller than the other. Together they'd look like one odd double-barrel shotgun.
Hint: Watch the video.