
Kelly TwoTwats® doesn't come across as the sharing type.

That was a compliment. Who doesn't appreciate compliments?

Hahaha. You're so funny, Tommy. The owl with the mortarboard! Such a clever analogy! Hahaha! Brilliant! Your comments are always the best.

Not sure how this is relevant. Doesn't having one's skull fractured rise above the level of being bullied?

FYI: Pointing out the tragedy of one beating does not in any way minimize the tragedy of all other beatings. You're logic is faulty.

I don't think I equated NPR with the CPB, but point taken anyway. I support CPB and believe its purpose justifies the relative pittance it receives in public funds.

as long as NPR takes government money, it doesn't have the freedom to conduct itself as it sees fit. Which is the single overarching point of all conservatism.


And the entire notion of 'the public good' is completely fallacious as well. Again, your idea of what's best for the public is not THE idea for what's best for the public. Nothing is absolute, and the notion that NPR is some national treasure that should be hands-off is just completely and utterly subjective.

Internet fame seekers, have you learned nothing? Don't post videos of your illegal highway stunts on YouTube with your license plate showing or, worse, associating it with your name.

@achilleselbow: Remember to bite down hard on the ball-gag with each stinging blow from her little bony hands. You may experience some soreness when sitting down on hard surfaces for a few days following particularly brutal "disciplinary" sessions. I find that odorless Ben-Gay applied generously to the affected area

Seriously. All this for a fucking GameBoy?

@Myrna_Minkoff: Why?! Instead of flying half way across the country to have "mom's cooking", now she can just fax it to you. We can now email each other quarter-pounders with cheese and KFC Double-Downs. Spam will literally be SPAM™. This is one giant leap for Mankind. Thank you, Science!

@superapplekid: The Right grudgingly swallows the bitter pill of her and her pregnancy (I doubt they support it) because she is an appendage of Sarah Palin's Traveling Vaudevillian Circus. The modern Right is prone to turning a blind eye to any element of reality that has the potential to blunt the impact of the

You may not be a fan of the show or even Bristol but I firmly believe her continued success on the show demonstrates the power of the tea party.

@im2fools: Are they embracing her or using her as a vessel to express their disdain for so-called "liberals"? "Let's make them libruls 'heads explode'"; Let's "drive the LEFT crazy". To them she is nothing more than a prop in their paranoid war against their perceived enemies on the "Left". They've urging their fellow

@achilleselbow: Half-Asian chiming in (brought up in NYC and northern NJ). My dad was a first-generation Chinese immigrant. Everything you said fits in with the experience I had with my father, at least in regard to education and academic achievement. My mother, thankfully, provided a counterweight to his expectations

@Mr_Academic: I have stored that in my memory banks for future use. Thank you.

@RogueWarrior: "[G]iven that Obama and the Dems effectively killed off NASA's actual space activities in favor of having the agency become a PR group for making Muslims feel good about their scientific contributions"