
Mr. Foley,

Anyone who says Capitalism is under a grave threat these days (ahem, Teabaggers, Glenn Beck, etc.), need only look at Antoine Dodson to see how ludicrous that assertion is. He has taken a B & E by a sexual predator, parlayed that episode into Internet fame (or fameballery), and built a brand and a small industry

@Billybird: I looked through the cost assessment ( [] ) cited in the link above and, though it says "0.13 cents" (pg. 21), the figures, as best as I can tell, imply an increase of 0.13%, just like you said. I've never seen "cent" used in place of "percent", so I assume this was a typo, one that

I'll refrain from delving into the ethics of the either of the Cranicks or the county's decisions - Gizmodo's Libertarian contingent is loud and tiring - but here's something for everyone's consideration:

El Bulli is noticeably absent from this list. Ferran Adrià is the godfather of molecular gastronomy, after all. El Bulli pushes the boundaries of molecular gastronomy at least as far as wd-50 and Alinea do.

I've longed for an invitation to post this gif on Jezebel.

@gearhead_318: With an endorsement like that how could you not believe everything they say. 2000-hp, 300mph, street-legal drop-tops for everyone!

@ikaiyoo: At these speeds (which are greater than what even open-wheel F1 cars can achieve), in order to make these cars go even a few mph faster, it takes much more than tweaking the respective engines for a few more HP and torque. It is actually a formidable engineering challenge, which involves tuning every aspect

@Dingoangst: I'm ambidextrous, thank you very much.

On the bright side, if the Tea Party continues to support extremists like Christine O'Donnell, they'll eventually rub themselves out of existence.

This is a great post! Well-written and well-reported. Not only does it shed some light on the hideous underbelly of professional wrestling, but it also exposes Vince and Linda McMahon (who has a chance, albeit small, of becoming a US Senator!) as cold and indifferent capitalists who treat the wrestlers under their

@Nell_fersher: Yes. It's the funniest section of the video.

@Slatka: That's produced by the Autotune-The-News guys and gals, another set of people whose viral videos brought them (relative) fame and (relative) fortune.

No Zonda? No Enzo?

Confirmation of the "Death Grip" and a flaw in the original design which caused it. Confirmation of changes in the manufacturing process and a slight change in design, both of which have already been applied to the most recent batches of iPhones (an implicit confirmation of the "silent recall" that Giz picked up

"Cum-phone is hardware unabashedly designed to provoke the most raging nerd boner possible"