
I'm really tempted to propose the next evolutionary phase of this treatment.. but fortunately I have enough will power not to say that something that has punching (or punting) and a little something that rhymes with "blunt".

This is the type of blog post where I hope I'd have something informative and funny to say. I just can't think of anything. I tried thinking about unicorns, cuban ladies rolling cigars by day and riding horseback at night.. I even tried some funny remark about how the horses' must never have back pains.

You had me at "Post-Apocalyptic".

Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if I did know your aunt.

Totally agree with you about parenting and I'm gonna re-use your "crapshoot with a lot of hope". Well put.

Am I saying that it's fine for the parents to do what they want even if their children are against it? No, personally, I'm not fine with it at all. The problem is that parents will HAVE to do things agains their children's will all the time. For example, they are not giving the child candy every day because it's not

It is totally okay to feel strongly about some things and recognize for yourself that they are a personal topic. I come from a culture where child marriages have hardly ever been part of tradition, so I believe you are right when you say that it is sometimes easier (and sometimes harder) to see this issue objectively.

That would be awesome, my friend.

Flash! Sweet. That will get my vote.

I like where this is going.

No, I do believe that was my wishful thinking speaking. What do think though? What would be the perfect role for her in the avengers? I'll have to go with Julia Carpenter.

Is the girl with the red hair a double for Felicia Day? She is in the movie, right?

Yes, actually, that is kind of what I'm saying. There ARE moral allowances according to culture. Some people may feel they have a moral higher ground (it's kinda built in), but we need to understand that we are just a product of what we have been taught. Many things e.g., a today's westerner considers perfectly okay

I'm not agreeing or disagreeing. I don't like how she polarizes someone's art. I'm not trying to mock her either, she is clearly very intelligent and especially looking at the comments - she does have a point. It doesn't require that much over-simplification to prove a point though.

Meet Sansa - she deserves everything that’s coming to her.

I know one virtual chat bot who is not getting any tonight.

At least it is David Bowies' Diamond Dogs, and not Alastair Reynolds.

I tend to think larping is like movies. Some are artsy, small, independent and unpredictable. Some are done just to justify the action. Some are just there because the party needs some entertainment.

If this is interesting, it's not even the first dragon created for a nordic larp.

These bohemians have their own type of Octoberfest as well. Sometimes they get so drunk, they ran into windows and stuff.. or pass out and get eaten by cats. But years and years of intensive drinking has also developed their liver to be exceptionally good in burning alcohol.