
more mundane but practical innovations that will get used are far more important than some bitcoin-enabled 3D printed drone bullshit that’ll end up in a landfill in a year 

Hoping for a 6-8 minute featurette about MY favorite character, Beric Dondarrion, who I can’t believe is still kicking.

Moral objections to the treatment of farm animals and their impact on the environment usually.

Unfortunately, the organization that runs CES rescinded the award not long after it was granted, claiming that the Osé was “immoral.”

They’re trying to cover for the fact that Bran will be riding into battle by syncing up with the weirwood trees, releasing them from the ground, and riding them like a sinewy mech.

The fact that there still even IS a Lannister storyline makes me crazy. The Cersei storyline in particular should have been wrapped last season. The White Walkers are though the damn wall, the North is under invasion, why the hell are they going to force us to care about whatever fuckery Cersei is doing all alone in

Mace Windu’s death was ambiguous?! Dude had his hand chopped off, electrocuted then pushed out a thousand (or some ridiculously high number) story building.

Could Bran warg into the Night King and take control of him, thus defeating him from within?

The Children of the Forest found Benjen before he could turn into a wight. At least I believe that is what he says when asked by Bran.

In the books all the bodies were thrown into the river by the Frey’s after the Red Wedding...Nymeria pulls Catelyn’s body from the river while Arya dream wargs into the wolf.

Ned brought Lyanna’s bones back with him from the Tower of Joy, so she’s there, but like, as a sack of bones. I’m not sure the Night King can do anything with those?

Did Ned ever make it back to Winterfell? I can’t remember. 

The Frey’s surely didn’t send Robb/Catelyn’s bodies back to Winterfell did they? Lyanna was also buried at the Tower of Joy wasn’t she?

THIS! It’s the same for American Indian women and Mexican American women! The AfroLatinas in my life are sick of machismo and misogynoir in our culture.

And are expected to carry water for black men so the movement can go forward.

Nobody ever bothers factoring in why historically African American women have not gotten involved interacially to the same degree as black men. People forget that black women were the majority of domestics in this country well into the mid-late 20th century, and the constant threat of rape went along with the

Black women/girls matter less than Black men/boys in the Black community.

What popped into my head was that when I learned about Sally Hemmings, she was described as Thomas Jefferson’s “mistress,” when in actuality she was 13/14 and his slave. There’s no justification for using a word that implies consent where it doesn’t exist. She was a child and a slave and that makes it rape. While not