
Thanks I needed that.

Only about 30% of the country supported the American Revolution, or so my teacher told me.

They use race to cover the greed. Scare people about Messicans coming to steal your job and then no one will notice you and your friends own all the for profit prisons holdng these immigrants illegally. Scare people about Black men and don’t tell people you and your friends own the private security police, the gated

Talk about snowflkes

There you go then. She is the monster her culture made.

She could not imagine living without a man in her life. Her very Irish Catholic family prized boys and thought girls were supposed to be quiet, stay pregnant, and go to church.

I’m only half joking when I suggest we start roving bands of women dressed as ninjas to take baseball bats to these SOBs. We would know the ones to watch for by their limping.

My brother raped me when I was 12 and my mother did nothing. She blamed me when her husband kept gropng me. Nothing but my threaening to kill them both made these men back off. I meant it and they knew it. I blame her as much as them. What kind of mother throws her child to such monsters as these?

The vile of a feather defile together, like I always say sometimes.

I love Bruno's Totoro imitation.

I am sick of hearing about how great Kelly is in the media. He is a gross racist and xenophobe. I think anyone who works for Spanky must be damaged goods to begin with.

If I remember correctly, they would accept a gun license or hunting permit but not a college ID when the law  was first passed. It was clear who the leg was trying to purge.

I am so angry that the GOP has used voter suppression and repression to keep down the vote that I could spit. It is very important for EVERYONE to check their voter registration before the next election. We have to focus on local races as well as the important federal ones. The census is due in 2020 and redistricting

I just posted a reply to the above website. I will copy this to BackTalk. I agree that we need to get on this promptly. 

Growing up poor and white, I feel pity for anyone who likes eating fried bologna sandwiches. Having only biscuits and jelly to eat for two weeks when I was a kid left me feeling the same way about biscuits and grape jelly

Putin’s butt monkey is still presidenrt. Traditionally, a good tar and feathering ends with the celebrant being run out of town. I don't think Spanky has had the pleasure.

Are the children and parents held by BP eating in peace? No? F*ck ‘em.