
The Right has connived to stuff the court with reactionary and activist jurists. Once we win the senate and the WH, I suggest we stuff the court with another 4 justices. It is the only way to get justices who believe in justice being something that should belong to all Americans, not just rich white men and their


Learn to spell.

I remember the exact same arguments made against those of us who were vociferous in our opposition to the Vietnam and Iraq Wars. We were being rude to our betters, how dare we! I think the terror inflicted on innocents seeking asylum from horrific violence outweighs the transgression of speaking out loud against it.

It is illegal and unConstitutional for police to fire on unarmed individuals who are fleeing. Getting dirtbag AGs or DAs to prosecute cops is another story. I am ashamed of my country right now.

Exactly. There are few things that make me want to give someone life in prison, but framing an innocent man is one of them. corrupt judges and prosecutors, not to mention cops, need to be dealt with

That woman is fucking rude. What a load of BS asking someone not to walk down a public street. I am an olde white lady and I’ve had ths same comment directed at me A couple down the street have this neurotic dog that goes nuts when I alk m dog down the street. ‘Why do you have to walk your dog past pur house all the

Like children, dogs want to be liked and accepted. If they are not trained they don’t know what is expected of them. That makes them anxious and more prone to act out. It is unfair to kids and dogs not to socialize them and give them an idea of what is expected and acceptable behavior around others.

I’ll get flamed for saying this. I think most things said about the way white people behave is true for any human who belongs to a majority culture where there are minorities who feel/are excluded from the mainstream. Humans “other” each other. I have to say as someone who isn’t neurotypcal that I often feel that much

That girl is stylin’! Give ‘em hell, sweetie.

I love these!

Those are beautiful! Well done, especially on a first try. This is more my level of skill-

Those look so cool! Post what the flowers look like. I’m very intrigued.

Christian compassion at its finest.

Those are his jammies, how did you know?

The Republican’s war on women continues. I loathe and abhor violence. Yet I find I could happily throttle rhese scumbags with my bare hands. I am fucking tired of these asshats. We are going to have to step up the pressure. What kimd of asylum are we offering if we refuse to protect the weakest, most abused people

Absolutely. I’ve seen adopted kids abused and treated like they were little living dolls cast as supporting players to their mother’s starring role as a giving, loving martyr mother. 7"I can’t believe how many didn’t take seriously the children’s complaints of being hungry and being abused. Kids don’t make this up. My

Now playing

Ditto to you and Rooo. Those are all great books. I would add just a few that touched me-

I find Portlandia is full of white people who don’t see whatever they want to not see. There is a giant knowledge gap among the whites I’ve met who grew up here regarding Oregon history. Local teachers confessed they’d never learned about Oregon’s Whites Only state constitutional clause (that was only struck from the