
Despite the terrible reputation career academics have as parents, most of my colleagues are actually totally loving. But not the white ones who adopt brown children. Every single one of them is a scary scary person. Shallow. Unknowable. Narcissistic. Cunning. Their affect is all off. And the fact that anyone gave

Close your eyes and think of us.

I’d glue my vulva shut first

Thank you.

We try poor 13-year-olds as adults while a politician in his 40s is forgiven for “youthful indiscretions” It kills me that if you cheat and get a little extra on welfare they not only make you pay them back but you also get to go to jail. Meanwhile, you can tank the word economy, out a CIA agent in time of war, and

Yeah, I get tears in my eyes when I think about that film. I think about when everything started to get so brutal and the opposition to equality became so nakedly displayed. I think about what the loss of Malcolm did to this country. Malcolm X ‘s autobiagraphy reads like the archetypical enlightenment story. I was so

What I find amusing about ‘slavery was a necessary evil’ argument, along with dreck who maintain slaves were treated well, is that if you suggested that white people wouldn’t mind being enslaved by POC if that were the case, they would be struck dumb. I’ve stopped many a white (insert term for entitled white bro, I’ve

juno was an annoying piece of pro forced birth propaganda. how many teen moms are going to live lives that allow them to rise above poverty? it went an awful mesage

Good points. One of the things that I did with my kids that I am most proud of is teaching them to be critical media consumers. I sat through movies, commercials, and cartoons and talked about why the characters were portrayed the way they were, what were the film makers trying say, and why- you know, ask questions

You’re probably thinking, “Well, defending white supremacy and slavery doesn’t necessarily make DeRosa a white supremacist.” While you might be technically correct, it is upon whose shoulders DeRosa places the blame that is most interesting.

So Howard hasn’t changed a bit since I was last there. Thity some years ago I waited almost 9 months (Spring classes nearly finished) before I received my financial aid, a student loan I had applied for 8 or 9 months before. What a screwed up administration.

I met so many stoopid white people who said and believed really f@cking stoopid lies and voted a%sshat Tea Partiers into office. Try to convince people that the only towns in this country with Sharia law were the Red Uber xtian ones who tried to foist their beliefs on the rest of us poor fools. The RWNJs sent speakers


There are no rights without responsibility. Freedom has limits or else it is anarchy.

This is my argument with RWNJs who rail on about the goverment. The costitution protects us from the government, what protects us from corporations? The debacle with FB is just the latest in a long and continuing saga of corporate lawlessness.

Lawyers generally work on a contingency basis in tort cases. They only get paid if you win the case. They agree to a percent of the settlement as payment. Usually it’s about 33%. If they lose they get nothing.

You are right. I missed that part of the discussion. I was just thinking about the class issues. The “taint” of dark skin keeps a lot white folk on high alert. No question, the racism is alive and well in this country. You don’t have to look under rocks to find ‘em. They very obligingly show up whenever they can hurl

Well, speaking as an artist, the same thing happens when artists find a run down, but livable little neighborhood or village and the area develops a reputation as being “artsy”. Pretentious people with money come in, buy up all the cuter cheap houses and drive out the artists who cannot afford to live there anymore.

Americans should be more worried about equality in this country than bitching about “freedums”, The growing corporate hegemony over everyday Americans is something to be feared. It keeps me awake at night.