
In all seriousness, if he stayed around in the public eye, everybody would say one of two things:

Imagining having the stones to be a white man in 20-goddamn-18 talking about complicity while building a brand of bashing the left-wing of the party whilst a compromised snake-oils salesman looking to destroy basically anyone who isn’t a white cisgendered man is on the throne and barely writing about him at all.

There are no shittier allies than “White allies”(TM) on the left.

Oh man, just re-read it, came across this:

What’s amazing is these same “progressives” trashing Obama while elevating Republicans who do the bare minimum of saying “Trump is bad.”

>>>>”Lol yeah what role does pasty white Snowden play in all this when he exposes the “Magical Negro” and his white predecessor were overseeing crimes/spying against American citizens and then the poor, helpless, drone-strike authorizing “Magical Negro” accuses him of treason?

The same idiots who were all over his nutsack talking about how he wasn’t presidenting progressively enough to their liking, are now whining about how he’s not ‘post-presidenting’ enough to their liking or their ludicrous standards.

Who the fuck are you to decide how he spends his post-President life!? If he wants to sail on a yacht with Richard Branson then he can sail on a yacht with Richard Branson. He endured 8 fucking years of constant racism directed at not just him but his entire family! His wife was called an ape, his daughters were

There are still “progressives” who pretend the eight years of relative comfort America enjoyed under Barack Obama is “romanticing” his presidency, whilst in the midst of the current Presidency careening from one fucking disaster to another.

The millions of newly insured Americans during his term go a long ways towards the millions you seem to think he fucked over.

This is either a bad take or exquisite trolling. Frankly I can’t tell which, so if it’s trolling, my God. Excellent work.

I’m never not flabbergasted at the lengths white people will go to find every reason and every other human to blame for the current shitstorm we’re in with this racist, sexist, homophobic, compromised ass President.

“I’ll never give him credit for anything he does philanthropically...”

I feel like, when Trump inevitably wins a second term because white people didn’t feel inspired by whoever was chosen to be the Democratic candidate, and we’re on the brink of nuclear war, we should just frame the Splinter this article and the comments section under it.

Obama 2016: “There’s too much at stake to stay home or protest vote.”

I am always amazed by what a clear vision people have for what other people should do, but haven’t a clue what they should or could do.

Nothing has made me sadder since 2016 as this realization. We suck, and Obama is lucky to be rid of us.

And I’m criticizing him, not pressing him into service.

Here’s a clue..he is no more obligated than any other private citizen to “do what’s right” as defined by a very nebulous and ever shifting set of definitions. There is no post presidential checklist he must accomplish before he gets to ride into the sunset. Also it’s been 1.5 years since he left. Learn some patience.

Nobody fucking cares about his Clinton Foundation clone.