Congrats, you wrote a much better post than the people who get paid to.
Congrats, you wrote a much better post than the people who get paid to.
This woman is disabled with limited mobility. She could not leave her house.
A disabled woman having trouble voting (which no one is arguing with here) is exactly the reason being “uninspired” is privileged fucking bullshit. There are tons of people who are struggling to vote and others are CHOOSING not to?
Also I felt the same exact way about this:
Dude (or dudette) has literally the best failure of comment-username synergy I’ve seen in a long time.
...of course, I’m going to take it a little personally, as I teach Rhet/Comp for a living, and Logos/Pathos/Ethos are the foundational qualities of any salient argument.
This person set themselves up to made to look a…
Okay, then here’s what she could have done: phoned a friend or neighbor and ask if they can drop the ballot off- there’s a nice, handy signature line on the ballot envelope to assign a proxy. Ask your neighbor for a stamp. Pay someone on Fiverr to bring you stamps. Or call up the local transit agency, if there is one,…
Find an amp, and crank this particular statement up one notch for every single article Splinter has ever published regarding “use of a platform.”
The lack of self-awareness is staggering.
Your username—combined with your comment—is irony made manifest. In one breath, you say this, and then in the next you break your own internal logical consistency:
You’re purposefully putting on blinders and ignoring the inevitable conclusion to what you are saying. So we’ll start from the beginning and I’ll put asterisks around the parts you are refusing to acknowledge so you don’t miss it.
“but you, or anyone else, don’t get to be the arbitrator of what constitutes the validity of whether a citizen chooses to vote or not”
Gawd, yes. Preach, sister. This is an either/or proposition. You don’t get to wait for conditions to be right or even better. Sometimes you have to hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two evils. And many times even getting registered it is hard! Especially when there are active participants to deny the vote to…
I’m equally interested in highlighting the simple fact that voter apathy exists, and it is not unique to the young.
Hey, while you are here, can you explain why it was “smarm” for your colleagues to be rightfully pissed off at you and your ilk for not wanting to vote, and for essentially saying Trump and Clinton are the same? I mean, this site had a wonderful article on smarm, and I’m pretty sure your attempt at criticizing their…
“If you personally don’t vote, it doesn’t matter.”
Holy shit, I sincerely though “most of these people have excellent reasons for not voting” was like acrimonious, tongue-in-cheek sarcasm until I read your comment (and the reply).
This is coming from the same site that equates having lunch with a centrist Democrat to being a traitor to the working class. Get fucked; not voting is saying you are OK with everything that is happening and can't be bothered to change it. If that's a person's stance, by definition, they don't deserve the time of day…
Because it’s easier to watch and expect others to do stuff and then complain when they get it “wrong” or not to your expectation.
We hear what you all are saying.