
The GOP has won white women in every Presidential election since 1968 except for Bill Clinton. They have always put whiteness over womanhood.

This interview should have stopped his campaign cold. It is truly, deeply embarrassing that he could not satisfactorily answer those questions. I had already begun to dislike Bernie for his casual colorblind racism and “sorry not sorry” encouragement of the worst in his supporters, but when he couldn’t even correct

It’s not just the savior complex, it’s how he doesn’t do anything at all to talk them down. When they get vicious, he says that their anger is justified. When they caused chaos at the Nevada caucuses, he put more effort into chastising the victims of their temper-tantrum than their impudence. He knew that Russia was

Here’s the problem: if they appeal to the Court and Gorsuch isn’t there yet, there’s a chance to set new precedent that will crush any new rationale and limit the powers of the Presidency. If that happens, not only can he not write new EO’s, but he’s stuck with fewer powers after this clusterfuck.

I want this put on the front page of some major blog or site. This is the problem with “dialogue” with Nazis, or trying to create our own Fox News. This is why Democrats have struggled: not because our arguments are weaker, but because we argue on the wrong terms. We’re trying to play baseball on a football field, and

This whole comments section is why white people should just shut up for a while. They preached compassion all during the campaign for the hate. They sent reporters to humanize or to ogle instead of talking about policy and trying to get people to understand what the presidency and its power means for the country. They

Let’s be honest, this is bigger than Watergate, and we didn’t know the true source of that leak until 30 years later (though people speculated accurately). At some point, if you just say that there are some memos out there suggesting that Trump essentially committed treason by knowingly accepting foreign intervention

Worse, she wasn’t even in the center. If you look at her policies, she was the most progressive candidate the Democrats had ever run. Even impractical stuff like the free state college (which she initially didn’t want to promise because chances of pulling it off were slim to none) ended up in her platform. Family

There are a whole bunch of people in the top thread talking about how much they love Joe Biden when he is to the right of Hillary on almost every appreciable issue. Iraq War? Voted for it. Crime Bill? Wrote it. Anita Hill? Left her dangling while letting Clarence Thomas rise to the Supreme Court. I personally like the

Unions are still hella racist. In the end, we have to accept that Trump ran on open white supremacy and a lot of white people wanted it bad. Hillary was constantly hamstrung by the fact that she won by 4 million votes and yet her left flank insisted that they were more true and pure and better than her voters, instead

Seriously, Robby Mook, Obama insider, was her campaign manager. They talked about a million times about how many Obama staffers she brought on board. That’s not even counting that she had more black women on her campaign than had EVER worked on a Presidential campaign (including Obama’s). She learned tremendously from

That is a totally fair interpretation of the 12th Amendment, and I hadn’t considered that. It’s never actually been tried so....

This is the most awesome point I’ve heard in defense of the Electoral College yet: OK, we’ll vote eventually, but we’re not agreeing until you tell us everything. You need to expose every deal made during the campaign, the last five years of tax returns, any correspondence with a foreign power outside of the on the

According to the 12th Amendment (rarely cited!), the House would be required to vote by state delegation, and they would be required to pick from only the top five vote getters (so no electing John Kasich or Mitt Romney). So basically the choices again come down to: Hillary or Trump.

You could always say bluntly: votes are for outcomes, not messages.

This is a great explanation, but there is one tiny flaw: third parties have existed and succeeded plenty in American politics. They just haven’t taken the Presidency. If third parties want to make progress, their responsibility is to do the hardest work of all: build trust with small coalitions at the local level,

It’s like arguing with someone over what to have for dinner, and you have enough money for the sketchy takeout place that seems to always have a health code violation and gave you food poisoning, or to make a decent, healthy, but unexciting meal at home, and they’re like: but I would like sushi from Nobu, prepared by

I bet she doesn’t even know that QE is a mechanism to counteract a deflationary cycle (like 2008), and has nothing to do with debt. Remember when everyone was yelling that QE was going to send inflation through the roof because “we can’t just print money!” (We can; we did; it helped.)

Like Russian Czars led to Lenin! See? Progress!

As a second generation Brooklynite, I gotta say: those people aren’t New Yorkers. They are annoying people that moved here for two or three years, declared themselves New Yorkers the first time they didn’t have to re-swipe a Metrocard, gentrified the fuck out of working class neighborhoods, complained about the