
Yeah, I was a second generation Prospect Heights resident: my dad grew up there, and I grew up a block away from his childhood home. We left three years ago because even his (low) six figure salary couldn’t keep us in the neighborhood. The mayo place showed up shortly before I left, around the corner from our place.

Exactly! If the electorate shrinks, no one looks at the people who are definitely voting and think: hey, let’s cobble together a platform that might reach the silent people and will definitely piss off guaranteed voters. For every progressive voter that sits out, a conservative voter gets twice as much power.

Thank you! As a long time lurker, I’m really glad to get that kind of compliment from you!

Only in comparison to authentic baked mac and cheese. Kraft is actually delicious, and I have an automatic taser that jolts me when I go shopping to keep me away from Easy Mac. But it’s kind of the perfect metaphor for Hillary, because she’s actually pretty awesome, but everyone is too busy looking for the perfect mac

We’ve had down home baked mac and cheese for these last eight years, with only minor weight gain and a lot of good memories. But this year, we will only get Kraft mac and cheese, which is fine, I guess, but not as delicious. The other party is offering a moldy bread thing covered with orange ooze of a distinctly

But he lost, and he would have to do something completely different in a general election campaign. I’m not saying that this isn’t a great accomplishment: he built from Obama’s expansion and developed something really great. But this is not a long-term strategy for most Democratic candidates. He couldn’t beat Hillary,

First, I’d like to apologize for my strident tone: I was in a really awful mood last night, and with the new Roots and personal struggles intersecting, I felt especially marginalized as a black woman, as a black person, and as someone who has looked through the painful history and work done to acknowledge that basic

It was a very nice read...for white liberals. PoC have not had the tiniest bit of trouble with classism as we’re more likely to live in poverty than white people. And I also roll my eyes at white people who clearly are more wedded to racism than to their own economic well-being. They cherish it. It’s part of their

Sexism is the root of the fact that no one has criticized Bernie Sanders for any of the same things that Hillary has done (like voting for the Crime Bill and the 2000 Act that enabled shadow banking) and are willing to see him as “not a politician” despite his being in politics for over 30 years, while Hillary’s

I broke away from Bernie relatively early, even though I’m farther left than Hillary (though not by very much; she just emphasizes her liberalism differently than Sanders, probably because she’s spent 30+ years being savaged for it). About the time he spoke about peeling off Trump voters, I noped right out of there.

Seriously, I’m a Groton grad. You either learn to make it happen, or you sink completely.

My dad has this crazy theory that the anti-abortion argument is just a way to boost the white birthrate and get permission to openly interfere in the reproduction of black and Latina women, the way they used to in the days of Norplant and “Mississippi appendectomies.” (Google at least the latter for info on that, if

She was 16. I think bad decisions, while influenced and under the space of her parents, is entirely reasonable. Once she was able to leave and consider things for herself, she went from the freshman president of the Young Republicans to working on Democratic campaigns and working on the Watergate Commission.

For as long as she’s been a voter, she’s been a Democrat. “Lifelong” is acceptable as a descriptor. She couldn’t do very much before then.

Well, he isn’t applying for a job to write laws! Being a legislator and being an executive require different skill sets. He’s applying to execute the laws, which means that he needs to be able to think quickly and respond to problems and develop courses of action.

Plans when you get to sit down for a long time, work for hours with policy people and write things down are totally different than being able to develop or recite concepts off of the top of your head. The Presidency doesn’t happen on paper. I found his inability to express his thoughts clearly or to understand the

Except that his campaign (and the candidate himself) continue to talk about how he’s from Brooklyn and that NY is his hometown. If it’s his hometown, you gotta bring your best. You can’t get caught flatfooted on a system that is the lifeblood of the city you left. If he doesn’t know, he’s not really a Brooklynite.

The real question is, are you allowed to try to cut their wages so they can’t afford meat? Because that’s basically what they’re saying. They’re not saying that they don’t want to provide healthcare, they’re saying that they want the healthcare not to actually improve a certain kind of health. That’s nutso.

What no one wants to admit is that this isn’t really about contraception or religious freedom: it’s about labor law. If you are an employer, should you be able to use your beliefs to deny earned benefits to your employees? No. It’s pretty fucking simple. There is simply no reason whatsoever that an employer should be

It’s interesting too to see those early polling numbers, because the delegate and vote count is very close to those Hillary/Bernie numbers. He was her strongest opponent, and he added a few points (closer to 40-45%), but she’s held strong.