
In a non-Trump year, what Rubio said would be seriously problematic. First, invoking missionaries, which is some “white man’s burden” shit. Then there’s using the construction “Muslims that” instead of treating them like people. And then there’s the insane premise that Muslims split into “good” camps (those who do

Here’s why I don’t blame Hillary for (some) of her foreign policy: because there was never any way to win.

Even Jimmy Carter had some major foreign policy disasters, and he got Egypt and Israel to stop trying to wipe each other out. Foreign policy is always about getting your interests forwarded in the worst situations. One way or another, bad shit will happen. WWII was the worst war for civilians in human history. Never

Hillary is actually getting more votes than Donald Trump. It’s the lack of votes for Bernie compared to Obama that’s creating the deficit. Hillary’s numbers are pretty much similar to where she was in 2008.

I’ve only seen an episode or two, but it’s built in the Cosby Show mold: about a family that is also black. It occupies a unique cultural space, but not cartoonishly.

There have already been non-Christian presidents. We’re now talking about non-Founding Father, non-Christian presidents (neither Jefferson nor Madison were Christian; there are questions about Washington and Lincoln’s belief in the divinity of Christ).

The day that Sherman left Atlanta and began marching was in November. But the spirit of your comment is beautiful nonetheless!

That’s incredibly reasonable and thoughtful and thorough. But then, when black models and actresses and artists talk about diversity and exclusion, don’t say a damn word about how we only seem to mean “black.” We can’t carry everyone on our backs, and it’s not our responsibility to step up for communities that choose

I understand! But this is a different situation: this is not a Democratic wave year; Obama had already driven up turnout numbers; Bernie comes from a less diverse, less representative state; he still hasn’t built numbers with the foundational parts of the Democratic coalition; Socialism is a death knell in the suburbs

No one has campaigned against Bernie, so his numbers are high. This is his ceiling. The same thing has happened with Hillary, by the way. When she was SecState, she had very high approval ratings. As soon as she started campaigning, others started campaigning against her. Her previous 66% favorability rating dropped

I can understand your philosophical consistency, as long as you can concede that a lack of intervention from the United States on nuclear non-proliferation also requires that we fail to intervene in genocides. Neither one, based on our moral history (the genocide of the American peoples, the Armenian genocide that

I am a black woman who does not feel that Bernie actually is intersectional.(His insistence upon even discussing bringing white working class voters back into the fold is not a red flag but an entire fucking ocean. They are lost, and if they aren’t, it will be on our fucking backs.) If I have a choice between two

She was quoting herself from almost two decades ago. I get that there are a lot of people who haven’t heard the quote before, but really, this is absurd.

You still haven’t answered the question. You can propose some perfect as the enemy of the good, but are you happy with Saddam Hussein, a man who gassed his own people with biological weapons and fought a merciless war with Iran which killed hundreds of thousands, having a nuclear weapon? Because that is a world where

Are you seriously arguing against nuclear non-proliferation? Like, did you enjoy the existential crisis and horror of MAD and the Cold War, and you’re really starving for it?

Seriously, the choices were two imperfect things: Saddam gets a nuclear weapon, as he’s a fucking despot that gives no fucks for the well-being of his people and he hasn’t cared about earlier sanctions, or you punish the regime the only way you know how, and hope that fermenting anger and rage in the population gets

Ok, instead of sanctions, what would you have done to keep Saddam from having nuclear weapons? And the fact that there was enough for giant statues of Saddam but not for the children of Iraq was her fault too, or shall we put the blame there where it belongs?

Citizens United was a case due to a private PAC wanting to smear Hillary Clinton! WTF everyone?! Not only did she not want this, it was only because of her that the case became an issue! Jeez louise. Understanding that standing pat on principle while letting the Republicans spend as much as they want would be like


In 1964, Hillary Clinton was...drumroll...17 years old. So you’re suggesting that being conservative before going to college means that you’re a hateful racist for the rest of your life? Ok, start talking to the people in these comments and see if they agree with you.