
No, no, no, this is where white Bernie supporters tell us that they just don’t know who Bernie is (uh huh) or that they don’t realize what his policies will do for them (because they cannot read or think critically, apparently).

Democrats also love top-down change, which is weird, because that’s kind of fascist/great man or woman of history theory. Like, aren’t we supposed to be about power coming from the people, diffused through the system? Haha, no, just get someone really powerful up top and they will make magic.

Bernie had his son outside of marriage (and with either wife) and spent years before being elected as an underemployed radical. He supported the Sandinistas. The Democratic Primary will not discuss those issues, and it shouldn’t. But holy fuck what is wrong with you if you think the Republicans won’t hammer that shit

Another thing is that Elizabeth Warren is popular in hypotheticals. Remember when Hillary had a 70% approval rating a few years ago and some in the political establishment were wondering if she might primary Obama? That’s because as long as your actual negatives aren’t on display, people can imagine the best of you.

Finger slipped when I wrote 1952 and I didn’t realize: it’s 1955. Point still remains.

They were. Why the fuck do you think this shit took so long? The official start of the CRM is 1952 with the Montgomery Bus Boycott. LBJ, the same man who killed the ‘58 Civil Rights Bill, signed the much stronger ‘64 one into law. Ida Wells-Barnett died without seeing widespread black voting. So did Booker T.

Not only does he believe that it will sweep this party into power, but he also plans to do exactly nothing to help down-ticket races. I will happily remind Bernie partisans that the 2006-2007 Democratic sweep of Congress happened before Obama even declared his candidacy. That this was orchestrated by the DNC under Dr.

Except that Bernie insists upon being at odds with the DNC, which means that he’s not doing the internal structural effort necessary to build coattails. They don’t just pop up when people are full of joy and energy, you know. You need the right candidates on the ballot, you need the higher ticket candidate to stump

Ok, but what if you look at the country right now and think: I think an LBJ is what we need? Like, this is the thing that stuns me about people who say that we’re forgoing progress. Let’s look at the Presidents who achieved the most progress and were elected into the office as President: Lincoln and FDR. Lincoln had a

I disagree with a lot of what you’re saying. But that doesn’t even matter. You know what matters? Two words: Supreme Court.

Seriously, I feel bad that I haven’t succeeded as much so I can’t help my family through a rough patch right now. I feel awful and guilty that in my late 20’s in NYC I can’t afford to leave my parents (second generation Brooklynite). Even though I’ve taken on food, internet/cable budgets, phones and electricity

Black millennial still living with her parents (though I am a net contributor to living expenses) here. It actually makes me think of my response yesterday when an entertainment news team (both super white) got so excited and congratulatory towards Chris Hemsworth for paying off his parents’ debts. I was like, “That

Legit, the woman hates asking for money. She gets that it’s necessary, but I’ve heard (and I actually know people who are close-ish to her) that she hates the fundraising process. There are actually a lot of politicians who hate fundraising and aren’t good at it. Bill eases a lot of it for her, because he’s so

I think one of the things that placates me most when I think about Clinton’s insincerity is...she wants the legacy. Just like Obama does. Both of them know that they’re the first, and they have egos appropriate for that kind of fight. They don’t just want to be known as “black President” and “woman President.” They

The problem is that in centering the white protagonist and then failing to publicize the subversive nature of the movie, they lost anyone who might have been interested in a political black comedy. It’s also terrible timing: with the current GOP primary looking like long term performance art by SNL, people aren’t in