
I’ll put my flame suit on, but Corey does have a point. Don’t just look at the presidential election. You need to include the midterms and local elections. Low turnout during midterms matters, and if you want any shot at getting people in the federal government to help fight against suppressing the vote you need to

That’s one hell of an update. And who’s to say the “we” to whom Sen. Booker was referring isn’t Democrats in general? Democrats across the country dropped the ball on those midterm elections. We all deserve the blame, or at least the ones who didn’t vote do.

White Feminism is valuing your own intentions over the real life impacts of your choices.

Yeah, and she tried to wrap it up as a ‘look, I quoted you because you’re so smart!’ compliment. Bullshit.

 There was some “adherence to journalistic standards” blah blah in the greys, which … I didn’t bother to argue with because even though that may be technically correct, that misses the point that it de-centers the discussion on the victim of the exploitation (Aminatou) and attempts to re-center it on the utterances of

The opposite of hate is apathy, which is clearly demonstrated by Sally Kohn and Algonquin Books. Kohn’s actions are purely reactionary and she is really trying to preserve her marketability as a “woke,” pundit. The crazy thing is, is that Sally Kohn will be forgiven and she will do the rounds of apologies and Aminatou

The bureaucracy of publishing aside, it’s just really shitty to tokenize women of color for your personal, creative & intellectual gains. Like, fact checking or not, how do you “collaborate” with a person by appropriating her quote without even thinking to be like “Hey girl, is it cool with you if I publicize your

Yeah, I’m baffled at the “oh checking quotes isn’t really protocol” - uh - I’ve read plenty of nonfiction, intended for popular consumption (versus intended for the academic community) and they’ve all had extensive citations regarding source material and quoted authors/interviews.

Ya’ know *come closer*’s not always about YOU!

Yeah, I mean, she could have called and said, “hey, remember when we shared a ride and we were talking about trolls, and you said this. I’ve been thinking about it a lot, and I remember you saying it like this. I’d like to use it in my book, in this context, but I want to make sure you’re okay with it and that I

LOL, ok champ 👍🏼

There’s a difference between a conversation and a quote. The irresponsibility here is mind-boggling - not just from an ethical standpoint but a CYA standpoint. I always record people whenever possible if I’m getting a quote. If I want a quote based on a conversation we had, I email them and specifically get it in

Why is the word “exploitation” in quotes in this post’s title? That implies that Aminatou was not exploited as the Angry Black Woman stereotype … which implication also contradicts the rest of your title. However – as we discussed last night at some length — she was exploited as that stereotype (not

I am sick of people framing hatred and the actions of hateful people as “disagreements.” Anyone who imagines that Trump supporters, that GOP congresspeople, that ICE officers can be reasoned with and should be listened to & understood is being dangerously foolish and putting democracy and my friends at serious risk.

I feel like that’s still too narrow. Using “that’s them not me” logic is always an attempt to distance from shared blame which is especially relevant to this topic.

To use the Republican example though, they definitely distance themselves from their violent rhetoric under the premise that the person who acted on it

Pretty much what defines being a republican.

There’s people still caping for Chris Brown because he had bops too. That’s unfortunately the nature of the beast. People put what gives them pleasure ahead of what might make somebody else’s life better.