
I have heard speeches by Coretta King where she expressed a distinctly ‘meh’ attitude toward marriage and MLK. She had her own shit she wanted to do. She had to be convinced to marry MLK and to subvert her own ambitions, and by her words and tone, I think she always resented it a bit, to be forever known as wife


They’re not actually spray painting the offending customers.

I don’t care what questions you have. Do not try to pit Native Americans against black people. So you can take them out your mouth right there. And the quote is from Cornel West. Did you know that idiot?

Go to any Black run city or district and you can find power wielded to the advantage of some, not none, of us.

You’ve given an argument for why you shouldn’t be found at fault for the bias that demonstrably exists in society in the US. However, through no action you have taken, you have benefited from clearly racist acts the local and federal governments have taken. If you are capable of empathy, you should also be able to see

I am dead serious about helping you develop this system. It’s hell trying to describe the escalation scale when a micro aggression hits regular ol’ aggression and plows right through to super-ultra bitch I have bail money catch these hands. Like a point system? A racism detecting wand? I want to be able to pat down a

No it doesn’t. It feels like we’re specifically benefiting from a predatory system at the expense of others. Maybe your feelings aren’t that important compared to what other people have to deal with?

Attempted shade aside, “Racialized prejudice + power” should have a separate and distinct signifier. Dictionaries tend not support the simplicity of African-American Studies 101 vocabulary words. Per Merriam-Webster (a dictionary), racism has multiple meanings.

Lol, she speaks so well for a Becky. The way her voice doesn’t go up at the end of every sentence like she’s always asking a question.

It’s almost like when you’re out walking your dog minding your own business and three cops roll up on you guns drawn because you fit a description because apparently there’s black guys running around in bathrobes and slippers with 10 lb dogs robbing 7-11s for $47 dollars in small bills and handfuls of Swisher Sweets.

There are low key kinds that don’t take much work. Just enjoying the white privilege while denying its existence and claiming you don’t see colour/slavery was a long time ago and POC should just get over it seems to be something a huge number of people manage without breaking a sweat.

Colorism is a result of racism. 200 plus years of enslavement and post enslavement does not leave everyone unscathed. Of course those attitudes would be internalized. I’m think of USA racism and institutions. Her erace may have given her an advantage but you seriously think one anecdotal mayoral race means black

As someone who is bicultural and can be both oppressor and oppressed depending on the sitch

I would be the kind of racist who pats myself on the back for congratulating well spoken caucasian americans on their vocabulary.

I can say cracker one of my ancestors was white.

I say Grandma Racist is the way to go. You know, just saying really repugnant and hateful shit and then get offended when people call you on it and tell us that is “Just the way I was raised”.

My best friend is white.

I think I’d just be that racist person who denies that racism exists. I’d enjoy all the privileges but then just deny I have them.

I’m very excited for the rational and well-reasoned comments that will be posted on this article.