
As a fellow Illinoisian, I agree, however: I always vote, because my thought is that if everyone else thinks like me “eh, my vote won’t matter anyway,” we’ll fuck ourselves.

Fucking vote for Hillary if you want progressive change.

One’s an Orange County Dem though. The other is a true blue liberal. Kamala getting that seat is crucial to any sort of progressive legislation, especially if the Dems only win the senate by a thread. We don’t need another Lieberman.

My wife is a forensic psychologist (profiling is her specialty) and she has mentioned that he has severe narcissism and mania. However, she does not believe that he is a psycho/sociopath because he obviously cares what others think of him.


The area under the curve is filled with cocaine.

Hillary Clinton: Literally calculus.

Donald Trump’s thought patterns, style of argumentation, and physicality reminds me of my brother’s.

He was a big fat baby with a limited vocabulary, no prep, and all the markings for a pathological liar. Thank god there were no drinking games here tonight because we’d all have been in the ER by minute 15. It got really surreal towards the end. Even my period came back in feminist protest. Too bad there’s not enough

So if a whole bunch of people feel safe like you + Bernie fans are still pissed + all those anti-vax ‘liberals’ who left some elementary schools 75% unvaccinated for a little while there decide to vote Jill Stein + all those conservatives in the rural parts of the state mobilize, and California ends up going red,

People who want to disqualify polls will pearl clutch that Michigan primary night for the rest of their lives.

Except PEC doesn’t twist itself in knots, especially compared to 538. Silver is the one overcooking the data here.

No election forecaster says that Clinton is “far ahead,” that’s the same strawman argument Nate Silver uses to defend his toss-up forecast.

It’s not even sensationalism, it’s grading Trump on a curve. Hillary has to be perfect, while Trump simply has to not literally throw feces at Lester Holt. Expectations are a bitch.

YES YOU HAVE TO VOTE THERE ARE OTHER RACES THAN JUST THE PRESIDENCY [breathes into paper bag while pacing around the room for the next 6 weeks]

Hey, do you like weed? Cause you can vote to legalize it next month.

Part of the issue is that a lot of people look at the national polling data, which has Clinton and Trump very close. But a national poll is not comparable to the actual election. When you factor in the Electoral College, Hillary has been comfortably ahead since the two nominees emerged from their respective primaries.

He’s definitely not much of a Libertarian, given he got his start in the comments section during the 2008 Dem primary over at DailyKos, which isn’t exactly a hotbed of libertarianism/right leaning-thinking

1. Silver totally fucking blew it in the GOP primary by insisting Trump couldn’t win, so he naturally felt burned and decided to retreat to Pure Data.

Nate has clearly gotten sensitive about his model. I think the questions are fair, when you consider how Silver did in the primaries (including the fact that he whiffed on a couple of Democratic primaries in addition to the Trump thing), and the fact that he moved his operations to ESPN, which would cause a cynic to