
Then why is there not a word stated for trashed shirts, basketball shorts, flip flops, or any other number of "unprofessional in a hospital" clothing items that MEN wear? Seriously, if it's not obvious that this is the same ol' tired bullshit of "Women! Stop wearing revealing clothing because us mens can't control

Just because it's not worth YOUR battle, doesn't mean it's not worth SOMEONE'S.

Yes, because a million little things never add up to a bigger picture. Nope. Seriously, quit telling feminists their personal choices in things to rally against aren't "worth it". You're kind of proving the fact that they ARE.

Only in some states.

For the love of glob, pull your head out of the sand man.

You obviously missed the entire sentence of "THIS IS NOT ABOUT ONLINE INTERACTIONS". Because it's not. It's about an actual woman who had this happen. And it's happening AGAIN today. Women aren't taken seriously in the gaming industry, as both consumers and creators. And many people really aren't aware of the extent

Except it's shown time and again that women ARE singled out, as seen above. That ish happens ALL THE TIME just because we are without penises.

Or, ya know, you could get your friends together to stand up to the older kids, tell them to quit being douchebags, and make the game a better game overall.

Hey! Don't go dissing Brave! That movie was awesome. Too bad Disney went and sexified the crap out of Merida for a while with promo material -_- I mean, I work in porn ffs and even *I* was pissed about that.

You didn't need to redact. I was just messing with you :)

Dude. Ewoks... and episodes 1-3. Clone Wars. It hasn't ever really been "mildly mature". I mean, it spawned the insult of "nerfherder". LOL

Toy Story 3 was amazing and brilliant. I think you meant to put "Cars 2".

Maybe in your family, but necessarily mine. Myself and one brother have a handed-down middle name, but few else in my family do. And my daughter's name is Trinity Selene (named after Trinity from The Matrix & Blade, and Selene from Underworld). Neither of which have anything to do with my family :)

You win all my internets today.

If it were only Democrats - possibly, but there's all of us socialists, and independents that want a universal health care system, that are stuck in red states -_-

Agree. And even if you're a fan of the original, you'll like the remake more than hate it, based on the throwback scene alone ^_^

David effing Tennant. MUCH better choice than Levine.

Exactly. Or, you could have neighbors that live like slobs as well. Get an infestation big enough nextdoor, or above you if you live in an apartment, and it's bound to spread.

Exactly, Khem.

In a country where the men in the sex toy shop run out because you are a woman, yes it is sexual harassment to wave a dildo around at work. That creates an obviously hostile work environment stemming from a sexual situation. This coming from a woman who's made her living from porn for 10 years.