
It has nothing to do with what he says on his (IMO) boring videos. It’s everything to do with how he conducts himself on social media, consistently being hypocritical and ‘woe is me’ when people even lightly criticize something he says. He’s a bellend, through and through.

"Yes, gaming is clearly male dominated, for better or for worse."

Actually, no. It's not. And that's the problem. Women make up 50% of gamers at this point. On PC, we are more than 50%; 53.6% of the RPG genre = women. Sure, guys have FPS dominated, but it doesn't take a rocket scientists to figure out why (part of it

Won't hear any argument from me on the twisted minds front lol. And also agree that it would most likely have been slightly different, but based on what I've observed the past couple years from this camp that now unites under a banner: they definitely would have done what they could to shitcan the whole project

um... considering this whole conversation point is *about gamers* OBVIOUSLY that's who I was referring to.
But honestly, it goes beyond that. Look at racists post Brown v. Board of Education (and that's just the one off of the top of my head, there are tons more). It's a common thing in even modern times to see

Except... when we talk about death & rape threats from this crowd, we're met with *shockingly* death and rape threats. Before you can fix a problem, you have to point out the problem itself, and then WHY that problem exists. This article does a damn good job of explaining how GG is a hate group, and *why* they are

Exactly! It's not like this is some giant, long standing union of people. It's been literally two months. I mean, sure, in internet-time that's a lifetime, but real life? A blink in existence. So why not just drop it all and start over with a fresh platform that WASN'T sprung because a woman dared to have sex

I think that's a big catalyst behind the huge uptick in super violent vitriol lately. It's the death throes of a previously exclusively catered to majority, throwing as much shit at the wall as they can before they drown. The change is indeed coming, and there is in fact nothing they can do about it, so they feel they

Probably the same. I've seen pretty nasty things said & done to guys who support the women being attacked by these douchecanoes, including suggesting boycotts & outright harassment to whatever their project or company is just because they support inclusivity over exclusivity.

"Seriously, white men buy the most games."

"Using mods, players can also manipulate other players into doing specific things, all through the usage of a special menu."

Fruit Stripe Gum zebra cosplay.

If you see the words vagina & clit and you immediately think of your daughter, I think you have bigger problems than even the douchebros of the world. >_>

I seriously fucking hope so. That PhysX stuff was just ridiculous.

I've had so many issues with origin. ugh. Between deciding to steal all of my pc's resources randomly without a game being launched, to not accepting a SINGLE one of my 4 very valid credit cards, I've given up on that pos.

I dunno about the average female, but I have something like 4000 hours racked up in games the past 3 or 4 years, on games I've bought for myself. Not games I bought for my other half and then played myself. I have around 300 games on Steam (mine), and 15 or 20 games on 360. Of these (and related to both questions)

What I want to know (and apologies if anyone has pointed this out already) is if cleavage is so distracting in a learning environment for a NURSING SCHOOL, how in the hell will those 'distracted people' be able to function when helping with a pelvic exam? Or patch up a woman who came into their hospital wearing a mini

So, now, we've gone from "it's distracting because of sexualization" to "ew, you're too fat to wear that!" Keep it classy, dude.

With that I can understand (at least the jewelry). That shit is fucking dangerous around xray & MRI equipment O.O

But the fact still remains: Why is it *our* fault that guys can't manage to keep their dicks & eyes under control? All this image does is lend even more credence that men can't control themselves because of women's clothing, and god forbid, a thigh appearing, and it's just as damaging to men as it is to women. And

If that's the case, then they should post *the whole* dress code. Pretty simple logic, really. But even at that - if there are 50 billion things women can't wear, and only 5 that guys can't, it's still a pretty damning statement about the exact point I said above.