
When I was a kid, people in my parent’s generation were immediately suspicious of anything that came from the internet. “Don’t meet anyone from the internet in real life!” “You can’t believe that, it’s just on the internet!”

Same thing goes for PUBG and the most human-shaped bushes I’ve ever seen in my life.

What, they couldn’t leave V for Vendetta up through the 5th of November? That’s crap.

Yup. Women never know what guy is going to completely freak out if they turn him down, so we can’t blame them for trying to be diplomatic about it. A gentle ‘no’ is still a ‘no,’ not a ‘try again later.’

WTF? Failing to teach teens about how to protect themselves from STDs and pregnancy has... what to do with a supposed adult keeping the promise he willingly made to the woman he supposedly loves for 2 GD months, exactly?

If not cheating on your partner in a monogamous relationship meets your definition of sainthood you’ve set the bar pretty low.

It’s not even that, bro. What astounds me is that this fucking didgeridouche has the gall to state “I have an amazing marriage with an amazing woman” and then in the next paragraph ask, “Should I cheat on her with this chick I’ve known for 2 months?”

Pop quiz, hotshot: You’ve caught feels for this woman. ... What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO?

When a car kills 60 people and injures 500 more I’ll be all over it. You idiot.

How much money is the NRA giving you to spew their talking points?
If they aren’t you’re a whore not a prostitute, at least a real pro gets paid to do what others do for free.

“The first thing I’m thinking is there’s some pedophile trying to buy my grandson an Xbox,” Watts’ grandmother Saundra said. “So I’m like, I’m going to bust up in there and bust his bubble.”

oh the irony of this is hilarious.

Go up to man with stick. Claim you’re scared of stick. Kill man. Enjoy paid vacation. Claim murdered man was “no angel”. Collect extra overtime quelling the protests after you’re cleared of any wrong doing.

Sure, that’s the only situation in which women could possibly feel physically intimidated by men or in which men sexually assault women. *eyeroll*

People are also acting like women aren’t physically intimidated by men. We are. Men are bigger and stronger, for the most part. To be alone with a man is taking a risk. We often laugh and try to placate them even when we’re uncomfortable. There is story after story of women who allow men to have sex with them in order

It’s almost like she’s experienced a lifetime of being told it’s her moral obligation to make people feel good and that it’s selfish to do what is right for her.

Wow there are a lot of aggressively shitty commenters here. I’m kind of surprised there are people who don’t grasp that people can be pressured to do things they don’t want to do. They might not be able to do anything about it legally but that doesn’t mean there are no emotional and psychological effects. People can

Lmao you sound like you shit fedoras.

You missed the whole point of this article.

My god, please, please go away.