It’s crazy how only 6 years ago Microsoft tried to make a digital edition Xbox and people rioted,. Now no one cares.
It’s crazy how only 6 years ago Microsoft tried to make a digital edition Xbox and people rioted,. Now no one cares.
Good thing the solution to this “problem” is pretty simple: get bigger or more storage. It’s also good that prices have tanked for SSDs so upgrading storage is actually a viable answer rather than a dream.
I want to agree with you, but then I think about all those sexist asswipes who tried to tank Total War Rome with negative reviews because of the developer’s decision to include female generals.
Killjoy here, the clap is gonorrhea NOT chlamydia.
Too soon.
One word - Isis.
For more info:
EA doesn’t make 2K games. EA makes NBA Live and are practically philantropists compared to Take-Two Interactive (the holding company of 2K Sports which publishes 2K games). You might’ve heard of Take-Two, they the people who hold Rockstar, makers of GTA Online, who’s virtual currency are shark cards.
“Those one day events should be insured, those businesses should be insured. EA should be covered on that businesses policy, insurance exists for a reason.”
Somebody? Floridian voters, Florida’s government, and the NRA are more responsible for this shooting than EA or Madden.
Seems like they’re willing to be held to ransom to me.
I read the article, made a comment, the end.
Twitch chat is horrible. Youtube streams’ chat is the worst.
One time I ordered a Coke from Wendy’s and they gave me a Dr. Pepper, I hate Dr. Pepper, but nobody was sued.
See that radar reading? Dude got beamed in the ribs by 96 mph traveling baseball.
I brought up the idea of a vasectomy and have done research that states that reversal is not entirely out of the question anymore. This idea was shot down.
It can keep going on forever, but eventually one side cracks from exhaustion or strats just don’t work anymore because the other side has learned it or players just get sloppy.
I could find 1080 ti’s for $780 just last December. Now they’re all sold out with a pre-buy price of over $1,200. This is a recent thing.
My mouse side buttons are busy being crouch and prone by themselves and tilt left and tilt right while also holding left control.