And somehow getting fans to cheer for it!
And somehow getting fans to cheer for it!
It’s dumb, but anything is better than Sony paying Bungie to literally withhold Destiny content from Xbox and PC players and then calling it exclusive.
You could even go as far as saying he has Faux Honor...
It looks like that guy has No Honor
Sorry to keep commenting, but I just re-read your articles and re-read this part. It really does not get any better than this to explain how many, many of us feel.
He’s being intentionally obtuse, don’t engage him.
Thank you for adding “work” to the end of that sentence.
A robot brain can be programmed to learn and create novel connections, working just like the human brain can. Aside from that, Human’s also can’t really create new orginal things/thoughts. It’s all based off experience, accidents, and putting what we know together in different orders to create a new compound idea.
This is the proper response. Throughout human history we have been convinced that one race was designed to be subjugated and therefore you were free to treat them as you see fit. If we turn our gaze from organic to artificial, does the moral analysis actually change? It shouldn’t.
“you’d think we’d still have a semblance of freedom of speech remaining (and yes I know that mostly only applies to government institutions; it’s the thought that counts in these sorts of situations)“
Jon’s views aren’t based on real statistics, but from Breitbart bullshit. He argued that the most well off black person is still more violent and more likely to commit crimes than the worst off whites. Please don’t let him half-assedly backpedal from such a blatantly racist (and factually incorrect) statement.
I mean, if on the whole you liked the existing three Mass Effect games, even if you didn’t like specific story elements/endings, you would have good reason to be excited by this.
Exactemondo. Most contracts that I’ve had to sign for house/condo rentals always have these clauses. Not to be used for commercial or business uses. It really is that simple. If they wanted to run a business (let’s be honest, that’s pretty much what they’re doing..) they should have rented a commercial space to do it…
What’s with the quotes? Does he mean no real woman would tolerate infidelity?
Real Americans eat KFC*
*With a fork and knife on their private jet and have their assistant tweet a picture of it.
“I want to call out people on purely racial terms but not be called a racist.”
Also, this:
If you think they’re going to blame their Trump vote when their benefits get cut, you’re more optimistic than I am.