
As someone who's 5'8" and has dated women 6' or more... being a tall guy is attractive, but it ain't the only thing that's attractive.

Being defensive about not being tall, on the other hand, isn't attractive at all.

You're probably going to have someone fight you on that "women can control their weight" comment.

You know what, I have a question, Dr. Nerdlove. So many of these questions that you address boil down basically to "I treat women like objects, but they don't react like objects. Why?" That is to say, so many of your answers end up needing to include baseline information like "He's not your competition because this

Yeah, the fact that the release stresses they won't be available with the BASE game definitely points to plans to add them in with an expansion at some point, but I think the problem is that largely these haven't been expansion items since the series was first released. Stripping out what are, for many players, part

I don't think they tattoo it to their flesh.

Canadian law would require them to add a skill-testing question, and they simply do not have the budget to allow for such a thing.

My point is that this "game" consists of sneaking into a prison, freeing prisoners, then watching a cutscene about a girl with a bomb her vagina.

Sorry, did I offend your precious $40 scam?

That name is a very generic Nepalese name. Fanfic only to those who are ignorant of that part of the world.

Imma just....take this picture for, science purposes..

Yeah it looks fine and all, but where are mah heists bro.

Sure, if you have an extremely backwards and sexist way of viewing things.

What? Last I checked, females can have children. In fact, they're pretty much integral to the process.

There are more adult women playing games then pre-teen boys who publishers seem to think are still their bread and butter. If games don't show more diversity they'll just perpetuate that this is a boys club - which alienates them to a market that is 51 % of the Earth's population. That's not smart business. That's

As a lady-gamer (yes i am game yes i play girl) it might be nice to play a few more ladies! Tomb raider and lolly pop chainsaw get a bit drab (TR is great tho) I don't mind the males, but I can understand that the largest market for games are boys, and to appease the market making male characters is the easiest and

Well I'm bored of people like you seeming to think that not representing 51% of the population and 49% of gamers is a good idea.

How about changing it to "disappointment" if that would help you cope better? I'm in the disappointed-outrage camp.

How is it a fake outrage? It's not like the news is just making this up, I know plenty of real people who are upset about the continued lack of women in big name games. Especially when the developers use half-assed excuses like these.

If you are going to write a game promoting historical and social experiences, is it really that big a stretch to ask for the inclusion of a female POV?

Nowadays, the "too much work" argument no longer flies. It should be considered "necessary work" - simply the cost of doing business. We don't see games cutting walking and running animations as separate things due to "too much work". We don't see them making every object in the world static and non-interactive