
But can it remaster the drama caused by two girls making out?

*Yawn* Wake me up when the real next gen GTA game set in Vice City comes out.

450 fucking dollars you moron. CANADA

Are you suggesting that the Himalayas are in South Africa?

to be fair, assassins creed was really never about the combat. Really, for the most part, you only got into fights because you screwed up somehow.

I def understand people being skeptical post Watch Dogs. At the same time, Watch Dogs was a game that was released on two different generations of hardware—this game isn't, which makes it easier for me to give it the benefit of the doubt. I think I'm pretty clear on the fact I think this is impressive in one specific

Because if we've learned anything from Ubisoft, it's to trust them with gameplay footage many months out from a product's release.

And the mission that follows buying the rifle can be done without firing it at all. :)

That's true, which I thought was weird since the actual mission that Aiden thought he needed a gun for I did without firing a single shot, without even injuring a single person, quite a bit of distance away from the building itself, just jumping from camera to camera. It felt awesome, and the game making you get that

That's what I was wondering. So far every mission I've done was mostly hacking (almost done with act 1). First few I did was just jumping between cameras and blowing up enemies with environment objects. Then later I did one by luring the entire enemy force to one side of the area and just slipped by them to the

really? The Last of Us is being remade and it's newer than all the four halos

"Why not snowy environment?"

So how are people enjoying those heists that came out a couple weeks after launch?

Don't know how spoilery my comment is so just in case: Potential Spoilers Ahoy!

I found this to be by far the best episode in Season 2 so far. It was intense, it was exciting, it was violent, it had some lovely character developie type bits.

Digital "purchases" are nothing more than long term rentals..

This. I'm often surprised by the way folks will defend what amounts to "always-online DRM" if it's not called "always-online DRM."

And they go down on you too.

It's like GTA V with hacking. And dogs.