I take it you're not an introvert? We don't work like you do. Don't assume we do.
I take it you're not an introvert? We don't work like you do. Don't assume we do.
I want to know how the student is being 'disciplined'. Anything less than expulsion is an insult to all women everywhere.
That comma is figuratively killing me.
In other, related news, the real world still doesn't have zombies.
You simply cannot state that "ones who dress overtly sexy aren't doing it for themselves. They are doing it for men's attention" as a fact. You just can't. Plenty of women, myself included at times, just dress sexy because they feel like it. The logic you are using is the same logic that people use in rape cases when…
If True Life is your reference point for "reasons why typical women behave the way they do," perhaps rethink your point.
That's only if a child has been taught that the way a woman dresses is about attention from men. If anything, dressing as you like and having open conversations with a kid about "wear what you want and what makes you comfortable" I think would be a great way to model independent decision-making.
Uh, you can dress however you want and still put your children before your love life. Sounds like there was a deeper issue than clothing there.
Yes, I was also shocked to learn that mammals have hair. Shocked.
So you're saying that since society has progressed in some fashion, it has no more progress to make? We've hit the lowest possible limit for how much a woman can be harassed? It can't get ANY better from here?
I don't know why girls get so bent out of shape when this happens to them
Now women just assume that every man out there is a closeted rapist
Oh look, a young white boy complaining about women. Grow up.
If you want to help fix the problem, don't dismiss it and become a part of the "silent majority". Engage. Sexism — not to mention all the other -isms — will never be fixed unless men get on board and take active part in trying to make things fair for everyone. I'm glad you don't do it yourself. But if you speak up,…
Men don't have that sort of qualifier though. Women have to clear some sort of bar before they're allowed to call themselves gamers.
Look up "rape culture" and realize that we have been taught to not trust men for GENERATIONS. Maybe forever. I'm only 30 and I was taught that every thing I do ensnares men and I have to live my life lest I anger them and they raise a hand against me ("you must have done something to make him angry"), or tempt them…
Get ready to dismiss a whoooole lot of replies, my friend.
Or, ya know, you could get your friends together to stand up to the older kids, tell them to quit being douchebags, and make the game a better game overall.
Oh look, someone complaining.
Feminism - belief in women's rights: belief in the need to secure rights and opportunities for women equal to those of men.
Just so we're clear.