
I've never played this game or experienced any of the bus they goofed on here, but I still thought it was amusing to watch.

I just lost it when that can appeared in the middle of the ground out of nowhere.

I thought it was really strong. I actually had so many chances to avoid conflict... That scene with the bat was the highlight of this episode in my opinion. The way he calmly approached the deck, that was so cool.

Also, that beginning torture scene, I played it without hurting him even once, and for that reason Bigby

So much stupidity in one sentence:

Equating "bull dykey" with lesbians (all lesbians aren't one archetype, silly boy), and then equating both with "pixie"...I know I should simply ignore the idiocy here, but it's that unique brand of idiocy that sucks me in.

By the way, that pixie look is AMAZING to some men (myself

I've never understood the backlash against any female celebrity cutting her hair. I think it's super cute like 9 times out of 10.

Well, why did you comment?

Further proves a point women have been trying to make for years: guys, your penis is not that necessary to make us climax so maybe stop ramming it in there like that. You're doing it wrong.

How, exactly, does showing emotion after losing a loved one make someone a "pussy"? I'm a dude, and when I lost my grandparents, I cried. I have no shame about that because human beings are allowed to have emotions, including grief and sadness.

I guess you could say they were...


Means that if you get to the military base and someone is already there you dead, son. Double dead #firstworldflowcharts

Yes. It typically also involves self-loathing, I'd imagine.

Killing recent spawns?

It's a "bad attitude" to not have a game come out on PC? Or are there other examples?

Absolutely, big fan of condoms myself. But unfortunately the appalling state of our sex education programs in this country leaves a lot young girls vulnerable to manipulative men. I'd just worry this could give even more ammo to the jackasses out there.

One of the teams lost by a lot, so they were "raped".

The tweet wasn't intended to offend anyone, you have to realize my target demographic on twitter isn't the same as say, Mother Jones.

And why does she look like Lady Gaga in W exactly?

Who else saw this commercial live and waited for this article to pop up?

I don't think the difference is because "women".