
One idea I've heard mentioned several times recently is requiring all cops to wear cameras in order to establish a record of police conduct. I think this is a great idea. It would both help to prevent misconduct and protect officers who do behave properly from false claims. Right now, police officers are rarely held

How about dudes control access to their penises? If they stop letting us hussies jump on the peen so much, there wouldn't be so many unwanted pregnancies.

Allow. You keep using this word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

I thought the "fake girl thing" was mostly a thing bro-dudes did? Never been accused of that by a woman.

I was going to waste my time making a witty retort on how you're too stupid to grasp feminism and how it's only males accusing women of being fake geek girls for daring to encroach on their precious widdle boys club, but you can't even spell Jezebel properly, so why bother? It'll be too complicated for you to grasp,

They are willing. They do speak out. They are speaking out.

If it's happening everywhere, then by that very supposition, this says everything about the gaming community and industry. And just as other industries and communities need to battle this behavior in their own respective groups, we too need to do our part in the gaming community.

You're blaming the victim for some reason. She works with him, so ignoring/blocking him is not that easy. And sexual harassment has nothing to do with being "oversensitive".

You... you do realize that harassment in the industry is a legitimate problem and people SHOULD talk about it because ignoring harassment doesn't make it go away? I seriously thought this was in Harassment 101 ("Ignoring" Perpetrators only gives them more incentiveto harass their victim because they know that they

You need to re-evaluate your entire life. If you actually believe that because they were private messages that they don't merit a response you really need to think about your life in general. Just the fact that you said "oversensitive woman" explains a lot about your problems as an adult. You need therapy and you need

Yes. Blame the women getting harassed.

There's the article.

You seem a bit sensitive to this story being shown. A horny guy apparently has no regard for basic decency, why can't such idiocy be outed as the reprehensible behavior that it is?

Didn't Sony announce a while back that free to play and games with their own subscription model were already exempt from that?

I will probably wait until both episodes are out and then play em.

Just mentioning as a point of interest, the "uncivilized" groups managed to survive millions of years to reach a point where the "civilized" people took charge and have managed to screw up so much in the world in a paltry few thousand years.

Hmm does this mean that atheists, agnostics, and anarchists are not civilized? I think your definitions need some work there, as does your rather limited scope as to where major civilizations started. The North American continent and the Chinese river valleys also generated civilizations at around the same time, with

Wow. Much racism.

Did you get your $10,000 bounty up front, or is Jezebel sending the check in the mail?