
fingers in my ears La la la la la la. I can't hear you. La la la la la la.


It kills me when I read a story like this and then get to the comments only to see immediate rape jokes. I know it's only a few of you who think it's really funny to make fun of the testimony of a dead rape victim, but seriously, that's pretty fucking evil. It makes me want to throw up.

Excuse me, Ron Weasley was never friendzoned, by any definition of the word.

It's fine to be sad and upset. It's not fine to vilify someone for wanting one kind of relationship with you but not another, especially if the other person has been clear and you have not.

I hate the term friendzone.

I prefer the much more descriptive Masterbation Alley.

I think I'd rather delete old stuff than buy an SSD that costs more than the system I'm putting it in, especially right now. Having to delete stuff from my PS4 is probably two or more years away anyway.

"It can still be a date if I order Raisin Bran."

Here's how I know when I'm on a date - when I ask her out on a date, she says yes. If we didn't have so many nutless boys too sheltered and socially awkward to just ask a girl out like a man and instead try to slide into her via her social circle and "hanging out," this wouldn't be an issue.

It only predates Candy Crush by a mere sixty years.

This isnt new... I eat mc donalds fries with Icecream sundae as dip already

Introducing our new "relatively tasty" French Fries with Chocolate!

That's the point. A strappy bikini in no way provides the support needed to keep boobs as perky and upright as that figure has, especially when the halter straps appear loose around her neck/clavicle area.

Queue the fanboys saying that she's still a deep meaningful character, and not just an over sexualized character designed for this kind of stuff.

Why does discussion of the racism and misogyny against Black women take away anything from the plight of others in the world? You took a break from doing everything you can to help the Bangladeshi men you are referring to to write this comment, correct?

It's like it's open season on black women. I am so fucking sick of it. Black men get to dog the shit out of us. They will cape for white women and talk about us like we are less than the shit on the bottom of their shoes. I have had my male cousins discuss why they are not going to mess around with black women because

And you're free to construct a proper rebuttal as to why he's wrong.

This, so much this. I also started reading Jezebel as a teenager and the difference between the website I loved and read religiously years ago and its present form are vast. Former writers and commenters never would have allowed for such hateful language about women and their bodies. I remember days when it wasn't

Not only is she a woman of color, but she's from a biracial family, which I don't know if I've ever seen in a video game. And it's not like they're shoving it down your throat of "Look how progressive we are!" it's just there and you're free to make of it what you will.