
It definitely sucks and is not right, but it's damn ironic.

No, in a temporal sense, it does.

Because it was not a game, my statement was primary about the actions made in the game.

Yes, yes it is. As of now.


I see what you did there.

Romantic comedies are so unrealistic and unattainable.

The sematic is important because the single most common response to rape survivors is "she was dressed like a slut, she had it coming, men can't control themselves when they see a woman's naked skin."

"Assigning a reduced point value to your pawns" is not too different from "denigrating to the point of declaring them 3/5ths of a human being". And THAT'S what the three-fifths compromise was.

You don't and you aren't the target audience for Steambox.

Welp.... There goes my Billion Dollars.. -_-

I'd say the ability to explore the home and choose your own path through it would constitute as "interesting choices."

That being said, totally with you on the definition of "game" thing. We're in a weird place, and games are no longer a simple "Do X to get Y and 2000 points." I'd say Gone Home is a game as much as we

so if you were in a real sword fight and you parry a little too early or late, would you expect your enemy to be forgiving?

I used to be a big fan of the assassins creed games back when they used to be assassins creed games and had elements of mystery and just something that made you feel like there was a huge conspiracy. Now they are moving away from that and trade it in for alien magic and other nonsense. Also I liked it when you felt

Well this is the revamped, ps3,360,PC version. So it's likely that any issues with the vita, are not present in this new version. Dialog in AC is always a bit hit and miss. Sometimes it really hits, sometimes it doesn't, but there's always a great story behind it, predictable or not.

plausible zombies.

Your inability to resist correcting the spelling of Dogme 95 kind of undercuts your position.

Yeah, I just started reading the article, and I was waiting for the punchline. I was expecting this to be some sort of elaborate parody and I got...nothing.

Um no, he was trying to stab me with a screwdriver. Get your facts straight!

The PC version will get there like every other major retail game: When no one cares about it any more. ;)