
That’s absolutely true, but they belong to an often shady “brotherhood” that frequently places generating revenue above the health and safety of the public, and maintains a culture that shields its worst members of any repercussions from their bad acts, regardless of the severity (up to and including murdering

No one really cares what cops want to do, they care about what cops actually do.

If it’s only $5 or $10 for a POE vs non POE switch, i would say spring for the POE switch, just to future proof your network.

that’s the whole point of the waiver they used, it’s a simplified way to enter for european countries and it covered business travel. I guess immigration considered being contracted to draw art as “looking for work”, or they suspected them to plan on staying in the country illegally. Either way they were overzealous

Really. It sounds like this is a case of ICE *mostly* doing the job it’s intended to do (the overnight lockup seems excessive, but I’m pretty sure they’re overworked locking up 4 year old Guatemalan children right now — if you want to blame the current WH for its priorities). Nonetheless, I feel like we don’t need 100

But the way in which those rules have been enforced has changed. You wouldn’t have been kept overnight in a cell 5 years ago, plain and simple.

The problem being the handcuffing and 11 hour detention.

Thank god ICE is here to protect us from nerd artists.  They might have drawn a sword on someone.

Fuck this administration. Fuck the republican party.

Had an interesting discussion with a friends dad the other day. He grew up with 4bbl carbs, caps, rotors, and an engine you could actually see on his pick up trucks. Opened the hood on his new truck and cant see a valve cover, much less anything of importance. His comment was “Back in my day you could rebuild a Ford

I think lots of this is because cars don’t start to self destruct at 75K miles anymore. It used to be that when the car payments were done, the vehicle you just finished for started eating things. First, you’d get a thermostat or maybe a carb rebuild. Then it’d be an alternator or starter and then it’d be a failed

You own the Xbox at the end of the term; you arent leasing it.

It’s not a lease and you don't get that interest free financing like your best buy example let consumers come out ahead if they pay it off. Don't use cash if you can get zero interest. You must be one of those people that says buy used cars always or don't use credit cards use cash! Finance rookie

Uuuuh no. The spoiled mommy and daddy’s kids always come out to play when something like this comes up.

But this is not a lease. It is a just financing the console and services directly by them or by a 3rd party company helping with the process.

It’s just like a phone contract. At the end of the 2 year forced plan you still have the phone and the carrier won’t take it away.

You are absolutely right. You know, I had a camera some years ago (a Fujifilm superzoom) that still used AA batteries. The model that replaced it started using a battery pack, and I felt this was actually quite a downgrade. Why? Because I always used rechargeable AAs, always had another set fully charged with me at

Buy rechargeable AAs and get over yourself (all xbox AA haters/idiots). You can buy the rechargeable pack (as mentioned in the article) or better yet use standard rechargeable AAs and have even more freedom. (Amazon Basics or Eneloops are today’s go to brands, just get the standard ones that have more charge cycles).

I’ve been using the same four rechargeable AA batteries since the Xbox 360 era. Spent maybe $18 for the kit, it’s all lasted me more than ten years, and I don’t have to worry about battery disposal. When the two in my controller die, I just swap them with the two full ones waiting in the charger. You, too, can be

Oh man I would love a city builder or better yet a theme park builder. I know it’s basically impossible but I would love to play planet coaster on Switch!

Has everyone been so poisoned by Gen3 onwards that they forget most pokemon were inspired by real things? Venosaur is a giantass toad! What's so creepy about this movement? HE IS A TOAD!