
Too late, Hasbro/WotC, you already passed the Event Horizon of consumer trust.

First time in years I browsed Kotaku, and I got breaking news on one of my favorite game series. And it comes out next year? Fucking sweet.

The thought of an Ampere SoC in a Switch v2 is exciting!

Techincally we humans are two-brained. The left and right hemispheres are separate organs with a very good interconnect straight down the middle.

Only if the engine operates hot enough. 20 years ago planes could fly right through volcanic ash. Newer planes with more efficient engines cannot.

It has been a thing for a while; IME for the 32 years of my life it has been called the Antarctic Ocean.

Jax itself only has a population of 900k. The metropolitan area is 1-ish million. Both of which also have a much larger land area.

Xatu has saw every possible future, and in every one, Control wipes out all life. It knows struggle is meaningless and motionlessly awaits its fate.

Owning the wires is not the same as providing the service.

Funny. Nothing will stop automation and the solution is to tax the rich and provide UBI, but no GOP will do that.

Because Conservative Politicians view the book 1984 as a guide, not a warning.

It is easy to understand. Myopic Corporate Greed.

Every facet of infrastructure needs to be publicly owned. Roads, water, electricity, and yes, even telecommunication wires and service.

Huh. I make f and v sounds the opposite way: lower teeth into upper lip.

Of course it's the fucking GOP. Can we please erradicate that party already?

As a PG-13 film it is allowed one use of “fuck” and they used it really well. Most PG-13 films will use it because they can, and subsequently doesn’t fit the tone of the movie. “Fuck your mercy” fits the time and place and character so well.

I want to see the sequel too. But honestly, I want to see the prequel more. Spoiler ahead

Ive been out of WoW for several years, andI did read the whole article, I just want to confim: Jaina isnt some new BBEG, this is just a raid that all players can access, which shows an Alliance attack against the Horde?

Yes. Definitely. I want a non hacky way to play the original 3 in HD, and with updated dual analog controls.

Im not a big gamer anymore. I only buy maybe 2 games a year. One of my high priority games being delayed several years is a huge disappointment for me. Im not mad, just sad. Im even glad that Nintendo did delay due to quality concerns, but man, this is one wait thats going to be tough.