
First time in years I browsed Kotaku, and I got breaking news on one of my favorite game series. And it comes out next year? Fucking sweet.

The thought of an Ampere SoC in a Switch v2 is exciting!

Techincally we humans are two-brained. The left and right hemispheres are separate organs with a very good interconnect straight down the middle.

Xatu has saw every possible future, and in every one, Control wipes out all life. It knows struggle is meaningless and motionlessly awaits its fate.

It is easy to understand. Myopic Corporate Greed.

As a PG-13 film it is allowed one use of “fuck” and they used it really well. Most PG-13 films will use it because they can, and subsequently doesn’t fit the tone of the movie. “Fuck your mercy” fits the time and place and character so well.

I want to see the sequel too. But honestly, I want to see the prequel more. Spoiler ahead

Ive been out of WoW for several years, andI did read the whole article, I just want to confim: Jaina isnt some new BBEG, this is just a raid that all players can access, which shows an Alliance attack against the Horde?

Yes. Definitely. I want a non hacky way to play the original 3 in HD, and with updated dual analog controls.

Im not a big gamer anymore. I only buy maybe 2 games a year. One of my high priority games being delayed several years is a huge disappointment for me. Im not mad, just sad. Im even glad that Nintendo did delay due to quality concerns, but man, this is one wait thats going to be tough.

This is despicable. I normally don’t wish ill on people, but this guy is getting FAAAAAAAR less than he deserves.

The most important ingredient to success is fortune of circumstances. There are literally millions of hard working, highly productive people living in poverty. All because the rich and the corporations who control the country deem a majority of jobs as not worth a living wage.

Two potientiometers gives you an finely discriminated 2D field of points. So how does the N64 not have a true analog stick.

Im not trying to come across as mean, but this comes across as an exclusively first-world-rich-person’s problem. In which case the advice should really be “stop trying to control your kid into being what you want them to be.”

Some one turned Sim City's disasters setting to the max.

The tone of Halo 5 was so not Halo that I quit after the intro cutscene of the 2nd mission.

You didnt list any Windows 10 machines in the under $800 category.

You own the Xbox at the end of the term; you arent leasing it.

If you have a stable job, and can afford to save up $840 over 2 years or less, this is a wise financial decision. You dont neex to fork over all the money at once, and you can enjoy it now. And once the term is up, you own the Xbox.

Then just buy a new set. That set of rechargables have more than paid for themselves by not buying disposables.