The way the raids punish KOs really fosters toxicity, IMO.
The way the raids punish KOs really fosters toxicity, IMO.
I think they need to stop for 672 hours and re-calculate their pool. Did they get all their bonuses?
Somehow, this still wasn’t enough successes rolled.
Parents. Parents buy this for kids, just like the 3DS. It’s amazing how many of you still don’t understand Nintendo.
If a player could one hit kill most things, the game would be too easy. But I think if a game was built around the idea of a powerful lightsaber, it could work.
Early on, Han Solo uses a lightsaber to cut open a Tauntaun...
Schreier c’mon, don’t sensationalize this for clicks. Being given a 60-day buffer and opportunities to find positions elsewhere in Amazon, which there are always tons of, and severance packages just in case, is a pretty reasonable and fair process. They’re not dumped out on the street.
Bicycles should not be on the sidewalk, either. They shouldn’t be anywhere other people are, really.
People want to be able to play the game and unlock the tings they want, but want the amount of time to exist in some reasonable realm, the method for unlocking to be mostly deterministic, the ability to unlock not to be gated by some “event schedule”, want grinding to be contained on games built around grinding, and…
It is deeply disgusting and alarming to me how closely the language of this administration parallels that of a codependent family with an alcoholic head. “Don’t fuck things up!” is code for “Don’t make dad mad by asserting yourself at all, or he’ll take it out on us!”
I LOVED that line.
Saw it over the weekend. An excellent interpretation of the manga and anime overall and fun as hell seeing cameos of some of the other hunter warriors.
I got the giggles when the character McTeague showed up as he is definitely old Murdock from the manga....only a lot cooler.
“I really hate people that aren’t dog…
How to Get Away with Murder: Be a rich, white man
This is the most important comment. Skin color and the content of your bank account should never factor into the justice process.
So hold on, a girl who is trafficked and preyed upon, forced in prostitution, kills a man who picks her up, is given over 50 years, but a grown ass man killing his girlfriend, pouring bleach on her, and not calling 911 until she’s definitely dead only gets 3 years? Yeah, I can definitely see how he’s more capable of…
Google is a company that gobbles up all the data it can, from anywhere it can. Google provides services that collect data for them. Why should I trust Google with providing me with a physical security key? What do they gain when I use it?
As soon as you make sure that every place she goes to has equally clean and cool water.
Staying in bed all day is not a game!!!
I think you missed your own point.