
The way the raids punish KOs really fosters toxicity, IMO.

I think they need to stop for 672 hours and re-calculate their pool. Did they get all their bonuses?

Somehow, this still wasn’t enough successes rolled.

Parents. Parents buy this for kids, just like the 3DS. It’s amazing how many of you still don’t understand Nintendo. 

Or, more along his M.O., he splatters them, like he splattered these other fanboys.

If the majority are good, why are the bad allowed to fester within their ranks? If they won’t clean their own house, they are complicit in their crimes.

“Bad apples in the police force are in spit of the institution and not because of it.”

Nope. The problem with this paradigm is that the “bad apples” operate openly within the larger force. If the force was good, these bad apples would be immediately apprehended by their colleagues and held accountable. They aren’t. QED.

It’s not that I disagree; there are some bad apples.

Punisher stories are at their worst when they present Frank as righteous or admirable. They’re not much better when they have him personally present moralizing diatribes telling people to not be like him. It’s an awkward kind of self-awareness that doesn’t jibe with his typical behavior. That’s why there’s often a

Maybe it helps the next generation not commit all the same mistakes.

It’s a nice idea but the people who this is aimed at probably won’t see it and certainly won’t get it.

If a player could one hit kill most things, the game would be too easy. But I think if a game was built around the idea of a powerful lightsaber, it could work.

Early on, Han Solo uses a lightsaber to cut open a Tauntaun...

Schreier c’mon, don’t sensationalize this for clicks. Being given a 60-day buffer and opportunities to find positions elsewhere in Amazon, which there are always tons of, and severance packages just in case, is a pretty reasonable and fair process. They’re not dumped out on the street.

Bicycles should not be on the sidewalk, either. They shouldn’t be anywhere other people are, really.

Hey, not all of them are rich connected incompentent doofuses who got in because mommy and daddy paid for an international airport...

Good to see Facebook is still focused on hiring Ivy League grads instead of the best grads.

Lets ask the farmers insurance guy..  military jet crashing into building, 2019 sure we cover that

People want to be able to play the game and unlock the tings they want, but want the amount of time to exist in some reasonable realm, the method for unlocking to be mostly deterministic, the ability to unlock not to be gated by some “event schedule”, want grinding to be contained on games built around grinding, and