Alcoholic Synonymous

Every day is Independent Contractor Day, for some of us.

As a litigation defense attorney in Texas, I can say with some confidence that, A. this lady attempted to turn in front of the moving tractor-trailer (either intentionally or unintentionally); B. regardless of any injuries she may or may not have had at the scene of the accident, will have at least $50,000 in medical

well... we cant all have furballs as charming as mine :)

XJ Cherokees are unibodys.

i have a lint roller :) but all 3 of mine are long haired (or at least medium haired) puffs of fluff turn up in the wierdest places (also all 3 of mine run for the hills if they see me aproaching the car... my little panda roars.. it scares them)

Thanks for the response and best of luck with 318is. That car sounds like it’d be a ton of fun, especially at Summit Point or somewhere similar. I’d thought we were talking about Japanese warriors that would be considered affordable when new - today I’d interpret that to mean around $20K - $40K - preferably around

That happened on two of my 4-liters. On one, I EZ-outed all three bolts. On the other, I drilled out the bolt one size below, and fished out the rest of the remaining bolt material with a small screwdriver.

Haha, usually people complain about seeing ads at all. This is a new one.

LOLZ LOLZ. I hope you can convince them to take their 10K and start with something else.

If that car was in Texas, it would get pulled over for doing 242 mph in a 75 mph zone.

mud is usually a by product of running off road and flipping at 100+mph

Too soon?

I could say the same thing about a lot of phone-consumed and immature younger people too but I won’t. Oops, I guess I just did. Call me insensitive I guess.

“While Donovan still has a driver’s license, he no longer drives and admitted he probably won’t drive the car when it is finished. He said, however, it will be a Harry Donovan IV, his grandson, who climbs behind the wheel to take him for the maiden voyage in the restored Mustang.”

My point was just that despite the fat-poverty hating stereotype put out by the original commenter, hate isn’t limited to fat or poor people. Skinny rich people can be just as full of hate.

You, me and Costanza...

-2010 OEM Elise Wing “Chuck” edition ($600)

Actually, I prefer silence over talking while driving, and I don’t listen to the radio - USB drive with songs on shuffle and randomized if I really want to, and that’s set up prior so that all I need to do is hit the power button. Anything requiring “hunting”, and I’ll find a parking lot.

when I hear/read Trump and “philanthropist” in the same sentence I immediately think: