Alcoholic Synonymous

That’s not a bad way to go. Unfortunately, I’m only 28, not old enough to die before the millennials take over and just young enough to see how they make all hospital equipment use Skrillex as an alarm. God help us all.

I assume someone is bricking it. I remember cutting that shit up with a band saw, in 1990. There were odd prizes too. Teeth, keys, rocks, etc...

One night driving from Eugene to Crystal Mountain....we got a flat, but the road was snowy so we didn’t notice. At this point we had made a wrong turn and and had been driving through the night due to an unexpected trip through Yakima. So almost at crystal and we get pulled over. The cop laughed his ass off at the 5


For the car to be that mangled he had to of been flying. You have to be extra stupid to speed while transporting drugs. I mean it’s stupid to transport them in the first place but if your going to do it then do it right. Most importantly that starts with driving 100% sober. It goes against the jalopnik mentality but

What about all those little baby seeds he threw away like on a discarded tissue?

Donald Trump, or as I like to call him, Human Kinja

Prevent auto accidents by not crashing!

Remember the golden years of Camalot when politicians would actually fuck gorgeous movie stars and not just pathetically jerk off in front of an electronic screen with strangers?

Think about little kids, who are basically tiny drunks. They do things we think are stupid all day long.

Five or ten years from now, regardless of how the election goes, he’ll be telling this story.

That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And on strange noggins even death may die.


Or reimbursement of stolen wages?

With those people I like to tell them the plots of my favorite 30 Rock episodes in excruciating detail.

I concur.

I feel so sorry for her. Let me play her a song on a this tiny violin:-

Dr. Spaceman quotes?

“You boys need anything while you’re here? Some reds? Yellows? Just got some purples in from Peru.”