Alcoholic Synonymous

“I’m against protesting, but I don’t know how to show it.”


Andre AND a Mitch Hedberg reference? Are we new best friends?

the best clap back

Was this someone’s first job? I mean, frankly, I would love to dance at my first job. Frozen vodka? You know how fast you would get fired from 95% of all jobs if you did that?

4-12?! An eight hour shift? Oh noes!

I used to drink Andre from the bottle.

In either of those situations, you should make yourself appear larger by raising your arms above your head, or raising a jacket or shirt, until the hotel staff offers a room upgrade, or at least complementary breakfast for the duration of your stay.

I think they listened to something their dad told them when they were a kid:

Yes, I think that as there are more EV’s (and more out of warranty) people will eventually start doing powertrain/battery upgrades. I mean, if I could somehow affordably put the battery pack and motor system from a Tesla in my Leaf, it would be crazy.

Yeah, the brakes are the same, though usually quite large for the vehicle size (since EV’s typically weigh a bit more than equivalent class vehicle). The brakes are sized for the maximum potential braking need, but are rarely used for much of their potential. The regen braking happens via the motor, so the brakes

That is oddly one of my “complaints” about the Leaf we bought. There is nothing to do on a regular basis...I put new lighter wheels and tires on it when the originals wore down, for a slight performace/range upgrade. But otherwise there is no aftermarket, nothing to improve except visually. There is some eventual

Being Russia the meca of dash cam crashes, wouldn’t sound better In Soviet Russia, the car crashes you?

But comrade, bear is already driverless minibus shuttle.

Actually... Azathoth is from the Cthulhu mythos, and Orcus is from as god of the undead is from D&D, though he was associated with the underworld in Roman mythology, which is something I just learned today.

Don’t be sad, give yourself a star! Apparently we can do that now.

Funny story. Bear with me. Friends parents had one of these new. We used for flog the shit out of it in the snow it was a riot. So my buddy who owned it loved it, said it was like 300hp and called it the super wagon. Another buddy decided to burn him once. Submits an add to the local buy and sell magazine reading.

Azathoth is the god of Chaos, Orcus is the God of the Undead.

Back in the day, I checked out a similar situation LT1 ex-taxi/NYPD cop heap that probably made it halfway to Saturn. I swear I could hear the rear end calling out to me: “for the love of god, please kill me”. Eggshell housepaint, more cig burn marks than that dancer at Billy’s Topless.

No, that’s so you shit in the seat-tube on those longer’s like a Cadillac!