Alcoholic Synonymous

Not too hard to “catch” someone at a stop light.

Good point about lever (never thought about that one.)

Word like “wor-d” and not like “wer-d?”

What are the Star Wars?

Yes it is, that’s why they’re called “vowels.”

No, the ground grounding system on 2002+ Camry’s were developed by Takata, and were effectively faulty. This was actually covered up by the NHTSA (along with the “faulty accelerator issue”) to bring down Toyota.

Used to work at a Wendy’s and didn’t release the pressure from the pressure cooker one time when I opened the lid. It was not pleasant.

Also, Hongo, why did you not write about this?

Pull in front of them and slam on your brakes. That always works.

Sounding a horn is more social than stopping and talking to another human face to face.

What ever happened to the mandatory cell phone scramblers installed in all vehicles?

Yes, in the US either a beacon or siren means you have to pull over to the shoulder, on either side. I think it may be a felony if you don’t.

Unfortunately, you just described %99 of drivers.

Or playlists.

Really? We’ve got, like, 3 or 4 bike cops here in NC.

Yeah, it seems like automakers really screwed up when they shifted (I accidentally spelled “shitted” for a second, but that seems apropos) the Altima/Corolla to midsize and the Maxima/Camry to full-size.

Bah, aluminum was first isolated and mass-produced in the, get it right or pay the price! ‘Murica!


No love for the water-coolers!

I’m selling my truck to buy a sports car; with my savings, that leaves me $1,500.