Alcoholic Synonymous

Yeah, if I could afford a cockpit from a jet fighter, a 350 SBC and a couple thousand pounds of fiberglass I would go to town.

Bah Bah Black Shelby.

“For example, Ann Coulter, and Hitler. OK, I admit that’s silly - Hitler wasn’t in that great of shape, but there are plenty of racists who are skinny.”

Frod Moo-stang is my go to.

I couldn’t possibly see myself spending $17k on Fiero when I could buy, say, a very reasonable example of a Porsche, which would have all of those features, and wouldn’t be a Pontiac.

Apparently the first thing Nieto said to Trump upon meeting was “Take your wall and shove it.”

Yeah, 90's grass was the worst. People always trying to pass off bags that were half stems ‘n seeds, and the stems were so big they’d rip holes open in the bag and you’d lose half of that in the process.

I remember one night me and my friend decided to eat a 1/4 of shrooms...we got bored and decided to drive to a friend’s house and got behind a cop. We were sitting there eating mushrooms out of the bag on the console, and twenty minutes later noticed that the cop had pulled into his driveway.

Morning is definitely the best. Unless you’re on the way to hospital, or are on your way to / from work, you have absolutely no legitimate excuse to be out after 12.

Honestly? I didn’t think they even bricked weed anymore...I’ve run across a few homeless peeps in the past few years, and even they don’t smoke anything less than middies.

...yes, but you generally don’t lose a finger in the process...or a hand...or an arm.

Actually, my parents took a trip to Mexico last year, with round-trip airfare and 24/7 catered food paid for, for $200 each.

No, the resort would be built by Mexicans, and Trump would refuse to pay.

Wait, how big is it, exactly? Could, say, a toddler fit inside?

I was trying to remember where I heard those...

I see the hatebreed logo where his mustache goes!

I worked at Wendy’s for 3 years as a cook on the closing shift. We were automatically clocked out at midnight everyday, even if we work until 2-3 am. After working 96 hours in one week, even working 11 am - 4 am one shift, I didn’t get paid.

You can’t kill what’s already dead.

Well, they did name it the Lamborghini Uterus...

No, he digs holes for other people, too..