Alcoholic Synonymous

With 30 minute delivery, I’ll still be drunk enough to drive it when it gets here!

For $5 more, you can bundle it with the City Bike; you’re losing money if you don’t!

No, Amazon will sub-contract your local newspaper delivery boy to get it there on a Sunday, and he will slide it off the top off his RHD Subaru wagon, miss the driveway completely, and there you are in your robe, trying to figure out where the key-fob is; it comes tomorrow through USPS.

Totally bringing my Real Doll to the next event. Thanks for the idea!

No, the lady with the 40 realistic babydolls who had her window smashed by the cop should start buying these. I think the cop would gladly let it die.

Huh...was that one of the Mitsubishi-powered Chryslers?

Agreed, it really depends on what car it’s applied to.

Must be regional...alot of detectives around here stick with the Crown Vics.

No, that’s where she keeps her dredel, yamakuh, and other Jew accessories.

Yeah, I enjoyed the e-mail from the guy that hated the swearing, and self-censored himself with the “fxck.” Did he think Gmail was going to censor it, or did he think that God doesn’t care about the intention of using the word fuck, only the fact that saying “fuck” raises Azaroth, Prince of the Undead, in which case

Dude, like, $, they actually put cheese on their cardboard; not something that can be said about Mr. P’s.

Wow! You must be young...

Mazda 5 /w parking sensors and sound deadening installed.

Uhhh...Mazda 5 with the sonar parking sensors and some sound deadening installed? Or the Volvo, and just buy some cloth seat covers.

Wait, “tole” is in the dictionary?

Or: don’t be a dumbass and trust Apple with your nudie pictures.

Is that the new joint from Skrottex?

Saw a V10 Excursion in my locals a few weeks ago for $1k...that’s pretty damn cheap.

I’m either going with Germany (schizer and all that) or somewhere sexually repressed, like Uganda or Afghanistan.

Nah, here’s what we need to do: