That was a lot of work to put in just to end up kinda looking like a dick.
That was a lot of work to put in just to end up kinda looking like a dick.
It's a heritable collagen defect that causes extremely weakened blood vessels in the case of the vascular type. Being pregnant at all at 49 is high risk. Being pregnant with vascular at 49 is pretty much suicidal. I have EDS type 3, for reference.
Nope. Best practices for suicide reporting recommend not using “committed,” which sounds like a crime or, to religious communities, like a sin, and “kill yourself” is just insensitive, crude, and poorly phrased. “Died by suicide” is the phrasing recommended by mental health professionals and the American Foundation…
Stop jumping into relationships to fill a void that only you can fill.
Anybody have a good alternative on Android? I’m sick of all the ones I try refusing to update the weather on the schedule I say or continually failing to contact the weather provider.
You are correct, the United States has used the gas chamber since the 1920s.
I hate the death penalty, I really do. I think it is barbaric, and appeals to emotion and revenge rather than justice. If someone is proven innocent after execution, you cannot unkill them. However, if the drug cocktail is a problem, why not give the prisoners what they give patients who opt for euthanasia in Oregon…
I seem to have heard about this reviled government who were gassing people some years ago. Wait wait don’t tell me.
Normally, DIY electronics projects require a lot of room to spread out and specialized tools, but this simple, tiny…
As a woman in astrophysics, I get this kind of harassment quite a bit. It's rather frustrating, and it can be incredibly demoralizing. I'm working on developing a thicker skin, but the surprise of male colleagues when I accomplish something still stings. The behavior of older male professors is pretty abhorrent as…
You’re right. If only we stood up to assholes we wouldn’t have this problem.
You missed the point. The point is that these things are very frequently said to females over males in the industry.
“We need to be more polite” “Women are fickle, moody, and easily slighted, can’t take a joke, and are basically ruining everything because they’re tired of being treated poorly in STEM fields.”
I'm pretty sure that's the point of the article. Note the last sentence.
EVERY time I see an article where women are trying to share their experiences and issues that they face, a SWARM of derailing people - mostly men - flood the comments with the same crap. But I’ve said that to men too! But it’s been said to me! But I am going to focus on a pedantic semantic issue rather than the topic!…
Still in-progress, has not been fully achieved at any time.
“but which are often said to women at a far higher rate then men”
So, your solution to the problem of tech not being able to retain female employees is telling the female employees that they are the problem and are being babies? Someone is being childish here, but I think you need to look in the mirror. Not being able to say whatever you want, the way a toddler does, is truly being…
Also stop calling women “girls”. Girls are children.
In my last job, we had hired an outside company to redo our network wiring and install a new firewall/VPN device. I asked the project manager to give me the administrative login and show me the settings and he said, “Sure. If you can understand it, I guess anyone can.” With a grin.