
I agree with everything you’ve said, but it’s hard to drum up sympathy when he all but admits he is playing zero role in his kids day to day lives, pays to maintain a gym membership and has qualms about allowing someone else to do the job he can’t right now which is to support his daughter. The system is totally

He made several errors throughout...something tells me that while being a journalist might be his dream, it isn't necessarily his calling. This narrative also failed to drum up the sympathy I think he was attempting to garner. There was a way to do it and stating that you are remaining willfully financially insolvent

Nothing picky about it. The guy goes on and on about his writing dream but can’t look up spelling the name of his hero?

I’m thinking that Mr. ‘Creator of Cultural Content’ needs to get off his dead ass and swallow his pride and get a real job that pays. If you can put two words together, McDonald’s will make you a manager in 2 weeks. It sucks, but it pays the bills until you get back on your feet.

Donnell Alexander is a creator of cultural content

“Have you lost your mind?” Amy asked. “What do you even know about this man who would become her father?”

Prefacing this by saying that I’m a picky jerk but....

Since he always refers to her as his fantastic daughter, I’m going to say he has limited interaction with her in real life. Using superlatives and flowery language is supposed to make up for the distance.

“It would have been more lucrative to set up a shoeshine stand.”

I’ve seen the exact same thing as you. The most telling part of this article is how he says he might as well go shine shoes instead of work for UPS where is wages are garnished. Because even though the UPS job is providing money to his kids, it’s not providing enough money -to him- so he might as well shine shoes

mentioning this made me wonder how many *other* things that I would deem “a low level luxury/not necessity” he considers “necessary to have, before paying for child support” like you can buy weights and go on a run and he’s talking about job searching as a writer -anyway- (or so it seems) which is mostly done through

I’m curious about your actual relationship with your daughter... I don’t see it mentioned, so unless I missed something, I’d like to know if you speak to her, see her, or do anything to maintain a relationship with her.

I have a child, now 18, and did not get any kind of financial support from her father. We were very

So the first time you actually have a parent of color write a parenting article for jez and you choose a black man who won’t pay child support.

As a mom who landed in a shelter, this is an interesting perspective. However, he must know being a professional writer does not preclude him from applying for city jobs. You can still write for Time magazine while working for sanitation. You can still blog while working for the post office.

My mother worked as a secretary in the child support office during the early ‘90s. She had to unlist her phone number because we’d get calls at all hours from mothers and fathers complaining about child support. I find it very difficult to feel sorry for parents that aren’t providing their share for their child.

Before I saw the skin color of the writer, I was going to write a post about keeping your twigs n’ berries wrapped, but then the photo gave me pause. Would the comment be considered as racist based on the skin color of the writer? But I’ll try anyway.

Seriously, fuck this dude. I don’t give a fuuuuuccccckkkk how hard it is in your industry. Does that mean your kids won’t need to eat until you get your shit together?

That is an interesting stat on the no quarterly earnings or less than 10k a year thing. I wonder about who might be included in there though. I used to work in payroll and I had employees who would be with us a couple of months, then family services would find them and they’d just disappear. I don’t know how much they

You don’t need a gym membership to exercise.

Boo hoo cry me a river. My father worked two jobs he didn’t like, that didn’t pay much money, in order to be able to support his kids. FYI my mother worked also. I have a nephew that doesn’t support his two kids and seems happy to have other family members and the gov’t carry his weight. He can’t be bothered to work