
Also, something that these people seem to forget is that there are NUMEROUS examples of animals that can change biological sex, soooo....argument invalid!

Another EDS/POTS person! Hello!

Want evidence? Google Geoff Marcy. Read the statistics that show 73% of women in science face sexual harassment. I started out in the humanities and never faced a single issue of being judged for my gender. One year into grad school for astrophysics and I had to bring a title 9 case against a co-worker for sexually

Wesleyan graduate student here. I think the issue wasn’t so much *what* the op-ed said but rather the fact The Argus published a poorly written article with numerous factual errors. I think slashing the budget was extreme, but clearly The Argus needs better editing and oversight. No, you can’t just publish anything.

I struggle with wrist pain during push-ups not because my wrists aren’t flexible enough but because they are actually hyper mobile and can subluxate. Any recommendations for stabilizing wrists?

I used to get horrible motion sickness in cars until I figured out the one thing that prevents it: listening to music with earbuds. I actually don’t even need to have music on, but the pressure of the earbuds in my ears really helps. The music also can distract me.

I would love to learn yoga because it is low impact on the joints. However, I have a rare genetic condition that causes hypermobility in my joints and I'm always concerned I'll push too far and have my joints slide out of place. I need to find a yoga teacher with knowledge of my condition but given less than 20

Fellow EDSer here. You can also have crossover of symptoms between types, etc, like I have fragile veins but I'm type 3 most likely.

I have EDS. It’s not a bleeding disorder but rather a genetic defect in collagen that causes tissue fragility amongst other things. Vascular births are very high risk because of the chance of organ rupture, tissue tearing, and poor wound healing. :(

facepalm*. It’s bad enough being a woman in science/tech, which means that you automatically stand out and are scrutinized way more. If you cause problems, there are way mor e serious ramifications. Besides, half the time the people saying these things are your colleagues and bosses. If you stand up to them, you’ll be

Exactly. So many times I have gotten someone genuinely asking, “How the heck did you learn ALL of this?”. It’s way different than the snarky “How did YOU learn this?” that I get from men who seem surprised I can do physics and code.

As a woman in astrophysics, I get this kind of harassment quite a bit. It's rather frustrating, and it can be incredibly demoralizing. I'm working on developing a thicker skin, but the surprise of male colleagues when I accomplish something still stings. The behavior of older male professors is pretty abhorrent as

I have a extremely painful physical disability (no cure! super rare! yay!), and the one thing that works more than anything is to lose myself in an immersive activity. Pain can be frustratingly persistent, and I do best when I am distracted by something more persistent than the pain. Specifically, I find that playing

Disconnecting from work? Relaxing at home? What are these strange, alien concepts?

I had the same problem. I've heard it gets better as it goes along, but there was just way too much X-Files rehash for me.

Right now, we make about the same, but I will be making a lot more...eventually. We have a joint account where we put all of our money. I'm the more frugal one, so I handle the budget and the bills. We use the Level widget on our phones to remind us of how much we can spend, though I usually sit down once a week and

I like that idea. I was also teasing the idea of using "morpheme" in my head, but given a whole gesture might incorporate several morphemes, it's probably also misleading...

I did some galaxy cluster/super cluster mapping a few months ago, and the voids between filaments invoked in me the same eerie, strange sadness I feel when thinking about the Cold Spot. Vast reaches of space with no stars, no galaxies, just emptiness? Eaugh.....

The dictionary disagrees: "A word is a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed."

Cooks don't make tips, just sayin'. I have a beef with how underpaid cooks and chefs are, but that might come from being married to a chef. Personal bias, I guess!