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The Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear has always worked for me:

One of the things that is rarely talked about is how high the attrition rate (folks leaving their job) is within data science.

I cannot speak more highly about my recent experience with True & Co, the website and app. You answer some easy questions about your current bra, what you think your size is, and your breasts. They set you up with a few different sizes and bras to try, you pick 5 out of their suggestions and they mail them to you.

so robbed. fuck smash. mario kart 8 forever.

I strongly believe that yelp reviews are obviously slanted in the direction of the Michelin rating. This is confirmation bias in full effect. Yes, these restaurants are likely quite deserving of good reviews, but I feel that because of the stars, you are less likely to offer a poor review.

Yelp also hides bad reviews and promotes good reviews for restaurants that advertise with them. So I don't think anyone can use Yelp as a truly objective way to see if a restaurant is any good.

Alternatively, I'd be cool with them making a standalone Android app, so long as it would work well.

I don't know many start up CEO's that run around with 10k worth of gear, just on their person. As a startup CEO, I can tell you that if I had a spare 10k, I'd be putting it into my business, not my shoulder bag.

For the record, we got rid of the cats because we are moving across country, expecting a baby in 5 months, and the cats are old and the medical bills will pile up.

Here's the problem with this: cleanup

Um, duh. Every woman I know has pulled the "my husband/boyfriend is in the next room" card when dealing with unwanted attention. We know how to swap rings onto the right finger.

Let me guess - you're male right?

Incomplete without the huge stash of credit cards and/or checks to pay back all of the student loans.

Didn't you know? Most women hate orgasms. They derive all their satisfaction from lying there under you for 8 whole minutes.

It's kind of obnoxious how this graphic defines penile penetration leading to male ejaculation as "the" sexual act (which pathologizes woman-woman couples anyway, sort of clashing with #3 there) and then rushes to reassure men that it's not necessary for women to orgasm. If there's a widespread myth out there that

One thing I think that I am doing right in my daily routine is not giving a waste of space like Maddox a single moment of it.

YES....Dammit..yes....if only I the power to control men's minds at will.

Avoidance of difficult but potentially rewarding aspects of life doesn't seem like a good strategy. I suppose this goes into the school of philosophies like, "never start your own business", "never buy a boat", and "never go to college". Some people certainly seem to enjoy defining who they are by limiting their

If a habit is hard to establish, then it is a good habit. If it is hard to quit, then it is a bad habit.