
The problem is not a lack of education. It’s an innate inability to defer gratification. There’s been a lot of studies on this, the famous one being something where they followed kids who were offered one cookie now, or get two cookies later. The kids who selected two cookies later ended up more successful in life,

I hope they squashed that thing immediately after removing it. God forbid that thing breeds and we end up with a new species of cockroach with a preference for crawling up noses.

I’d like to see the plot develop Finn as the main character, where he “awakens” and quests to liberate all stormtroopers from mind control. I like the idea that the Force can enable change and greatness within anyone, not just from Jedi royalty.

Oddly, I looked at the interview on the Times website to catch some context, and there’s no mention of his comments regarding Star Trek and Star Wars. I wonder where that came from.

Well, the interesting thing is that even in the post-scarcity society in Star Trek people find ways to stratify groups, outdo one another, and in general try to kill each other. In Star Wars it’s partially about trade, where in Star Trek there’s 100's of scenarios where intelligent beings hate and kill each other that

I was motivated enough to read the article, but too apathetic to take a quiz that required me to sum up my own score.

People are fascinated with, and want to read about, psychos. That’s why Charles Manson and Ed Gein are famous, why people watch crime shows, why there is an entire entertainment industry built around Hitler/Nazis, etc. I think it’s just calling a spade a spade to say that she is fascinating.

What was it that was in the DNC emails that cast a poor light on Hillary Clinton?

I’d argue that we need better lens systems and higher pixel density for VR. I have both Vive and Oculus, and in both headsets you can still see the round rings in the lens, are a bit difficult to get the focus perfect, and of course there’s the screen door effect. That’s not solved by cheap headsets like Daydream or

Everything now has a segway into some self-righteous political sermon. Everything.

What you posted are guidelines, not data whether or not hate crimes actually do more damage. I think 1-3 are pretty weak arguments, and I can see that #4 is a concern, but probably could be addressed through anti-conspiracy laws.

Interesting - there were only 5922 hate crimes, that’s actually a small number. Considering the scale of national attention “hate crimes” receive, it seems a relatively minor problem compared to the total amount of violent crime or other issues such as the 700,000 reported cases of child abuse.

I think we need to rethink “hate crime” and retire the concept. Most violent crimes involve some form of hate, whether against a relative, friend, stranger, or demographic group. I don’t see how this situation would have been any better, or deserve less punishment, had the perpetrators been white.

Well, there it is. The comments deliver. I wish I stumbled on that site yesterday before I ordered the Ubiquity, looks like I’m in for some configuration hell. The good news is that the Ubiquity seems to fare pretty well in tests at #2 on wireless only routers. I planned to setup the Netgear I have as an access point

It’s the Netgear R6300. We have a large family with several wireless devices connecting, and about 4 wired devices with only really one actively doing internet stuff routinely. I guess it could be the connection, but with fiber I highly doubt it.

Heh - I spent the weekend crawling around through 4' of blown in insulation in my attic drilling holes and installing Cat6a jacks. Because network cable draped across hallway and wife.

Now that pipes are getting much fatter, router reviews need to also include throughput from LAN to WAN, and how it deals with traffic from multiple clients. I recently upgraded to 1GBps fiber, and my current router is horribly inconsistent. Sometimes I’ll get 930MBps up and down, and just last night it was dropping to

Well, you could expand “kid is an entitled asshole” to an entire generation reared on the Kardashians and memes, and the huge priority they put on selfie fame.