
Gawker went under because Denton was OK publishing revenge porn, and got what they deserved. 

Yeesh, haven’t been on Jalopnik for a while and come back to people ranting and raving about Musk being a “white nationalists”. I suppose if I scroll down I’ll see some Hamas apologists in here too. Back to The Drive.

I haven’t commented here in a while. This crowd makes Gawker look like the National Review.

Then I guess you’re ok with the loss of other people’s lives for the protest to be successful, since these are obvious risks. 

Such an infantile response. “Hey, you should try to find another place to protest than the place where you might get yourself or others killed” apparently makes me a bad person. This is no different from telling somebody not to protest on the roof edge of a building, by hanging from powerlines, or by sticking their fin

The driver was under the influence. If you play in the street like an idiot, you’re going to get killed, or kill somebody else. This has nothing to do with politics, and everything to do with common sense.

In other words some idiot from a crowd of people I hate did something monumentally stupid, so therefore it’s my right to do the same stupid thing”. I’m sure the maga jackoffs had the same stupid whataboutism comments. Roads are made for driving 3 ton vehicles at high rates of speed. Stay the fuck off them or people

People need to stop protesting in the middle of the street, it’s fucking dangerous. They are either going to get killed or kill somebody else who sees them at the last minute trying to evade. In this instance the driver was under the influence, honestly I’m shocked more people aren’t killed.  

It also assumes a strike helps in some way. It doesn’t. 

“fucking kill yourself”


Heh - you sound like 16 year old me in high school lamenting “posers”. Lighten up, there’s no purity test that allows people to listen to certain music or dress a certain way. 

Where can I get those cool colored LED ring lights? That’s the real story here. 

I assume for many it’s not about the women characters, it’s the robot arms, ripped leather jackets, face paint, etc. They’re one step away from adding a dinosaur with lasers as a vehicle. I’ll probably buy the game since I love BF1 some much, but if you’re going to have Mad Max characters in a game, you might as well

Well, they may be left turns but they don’t cross traffic. I think that’s the point. 

Enough with this nonsense. What’s racist about him, his accent or that he wears clothes that some Mexicans at the time wore? Every character in Looney Tunes is some sort of caricature or stereotype. Foghorn Leghorn - the southern gentleman, Bugs Bunny - the Bronx fast talker, Yosemite Sam, the angry cowboy, etc. Won’t

Sweet, I guess you won’t press any charges if I head to your house and fuck your shit up.

I’d be interested to know how much pollution reduction we received for that $1.5B.

There is nothing “meh” about this car. It was one of the most awful cars to come out of the malaise era of horrible American vehicles. My dad bought a ‘76 Plymouth Volare. It had water sloshing around in the taillights within the year, the trunk rusted through after two, the road could be seen through the floorboard an
